
儲楓:要對國家、社會、人類 做更大貢獻 記: 從科研到教育,不管從哪個角度、用哪 種標準來看,三位已經取得令人矚目的 成功。那麼,你們對「成功」又如何定 義? 姚: 我覺得,成功就是你自己想想,對自己 一生的經過是不是覺得相當滿意?是不 是盡了自己最大的力量,能對世界產生 一些影響?如果一個人覺得說我盡了最 大的力量來做事情,我覺得就是一個成 功的人。 劉: 我同意姚教授所講。我是1952年離開澳 門的,算起來已經60年了,但我覺得, 就跟60年前一樣,我會盡力做到最好, 自己在做事、讀書還有做人等方面,一 直都盡力做到最好。比如我當年在(澳 門)蔡高中學讀書的時候,國內正值動 亂時期,進大學是從來沒想過的,那時 澳門沒有大學,只有去香港讀大學,但 自己做夢也沒想過,我沒錢,什麼都沒 有,我當學生的時候,連飯都沒得吃, 學費都交不出來,看不見前途。但我 還是非常努力讀書。到現在,像我最近 七、八年來,每個禮拜都做一個電台節 目,那是件小得不能再小的事情,但是 就像剛剛姚教授講的,我還是盡力去做 好。做人做事,一定要盡你的力才行。 儲: 劉校長從美國回台灣做校長,在台灣清 華大學發展了多方面的經驗、智慧和才 能,在學術界發揮了更大的作用,我覺 得這是個非常有意義的選擇,而且他也 帶了很多學生,這間接也對姚教授、我 以及其他教授回到亞洲來,有種帶頭的 作用。所以我覺得,所謂成功,就是在 你施展所長的方面,選擇對國家、對社 會、對人類能做更大貢獻的機會和方 向,這能令個人事業的成功更有意義。 後記 Postscript 科學創見,起於精思妙想,成於探索實踐,盛 於人才培養。不管是姚氏夫婦、還是劉教授, 他(她)們熱心教學,以身作則,始終把培養人 才、服務社會作為崇高的使命目標,為之傾注 精力心血,其成就不但有目共睹,更對澳大日 後構建全天候、多方位的教育模式,以及創建 具特色的世界一流大學帶來了深刻的啟發。 Scienti!c inventions begin with original ideas, develop with explorations and practice, and prosper with talent nurturing. What Prof. Yao, Frances and Prof. Liu have in common is their dedication to education and to serving society. Their achievements speak for themselves, and are deeply inspirational for UM in its efforts to implement a multi-faceted education model and to become a world-class university. Frances: “Choose the path where you can contribute the most to the world.” J: You three have achieved remarkable success in research and education. What is your de!nition of “success”? Y: I think success is when you look back on your life and ask yourself if you are pleased with the journey and if you have tried your best and have had some impact on the world, you can say yes. L: I couldn’t agree more. “Always try your best” has been my motto since a young age. When I was in middle school, China was in a state of turbulence, and going to university was something I never dared to think about even in my wildest dreams—for one thing, Macao didn’t have any university, only Hong Kong did; for another, I had no money, I couldn’t even afford tuition fees and I constantly worried about where my next meal would come from. To put it simply, I couldn’t see a future, but still I studied very hard, because of my belief in that motto. It’s been sixty years since I left Macao in 1952, but this attitude hasn’t changed one bit. I’ve been hosting a radio programme for seven or eight years now, and even for a little thing like that, I always do my best. F: Prof. Liu returned to Taiwan from the US to be the president of Tsing Hua University, where in addition to teaching, he used his experience, wisdom and talents to develop Tsing Hua in various areas and played a greater role in the academic circle. More importantly, I think his return has had a motivational impact on me, Prof. Yao and other professors who have chosen or might one day choose to return to Asia. So I think to achieve meaningful success, you should choose a path where you can use your strengths to make the greatest contribution to your country and the world. (The English is a translation of the interview conducted in Chinese) 9