
COVER STORY 封 面 故 事 姚期智教授 Prof. Andrew Chi-Chih Yao 知名計算機科學家、澳大榮譽博士,國際計算機理論方面最頂尖的學者之一。2000年,姚教授獲全球首 要計算機協會(ACM)授予圖靈獎,成為該獎創立以來首位獲獎的亞裔學者,也是迄今為止唯一獲此殊榮 的華裔計算機科學家。姚教授曾於麻省理工學院、普林斯頓大學、史丹福大學、加州大學伯克利分校等 多所美國知名高等學府任教。2004年出任北京清華大學計算機科學專業教授,先後創辦計算機科學實驗 班、理論計算機科學研究中心、交叉資訊研究院和量子資訊中心。姚教授亦受聘於香港中文大學為博文講 座教授。 Prof. Andrew Chi-Chih Yao is a well-known computer scientist and recipient of an honorary doctorate from UM. He is recognised as one of the world’s leading scholars in the theory of computation. He received the Turing Award in 2000 from the world’s leading Association for Computing Machinery, becoming the !rst and the only overseas Chinese computer scientist to date to have won this award since its founding. Prof. Yao has taught at numerous renowned universities in the US, including MIT, Princeton University, Stanford University, and the University of California, Berkeley. In 2004 he became a professor of computer science at Tsinghua University, Beijing, where he successively founded a computer science pilot class (more commonly known as the “Yao Class”), the Institute for Theoretical Computer Science, the Institute for Interdisciplinary Information Sciences, and the Center for Quantum Information. He is also a Distinguished Professor-at-Large at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. 劉炯朗教授 Prof. David Chung-Laung Liu 國際知名計算機科學家、澳大榮譽博士及台灣清華大學蒙民偉榮譽講座教授。先後於麻省理工學院、伊 利諾大學、台灣清華大學等高校任教,曾任伊利諾大學(香檳校區)助理副校長及台灣清華大學校長。迄 今發表180餘篇學術論文,出版了八部學術專著、七部中文散文集。2005年至今於新竹IC975廣播電台每 週主持一期的人文科技節目。 Prof. David Chung-Laung Liu is a world-renowned computer scientist, recipient of an honorary doctorate from UM, and William Mong Honorary Chair Professor of Computer Science at Tsing Hua University, Taiwan. He has taught at MIT, the University of Illinois and Tsing Hua University, Taiwan. He was associate provost at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign and president of Tsing Hua University, Taiwan. He has published over 180 technical papers, eight technical books and seven Chinese essay collections. He has been hosting a weekly radio programme on technology and humanities for the radio station IC975 in Hsinchu, Taiwan, since 2005. 儲楓教授 Prof. Frances Yao 北京清華大學交叉信息院講席教授。1973年獲麻省理工學院計算機博士學位,先後在美國伊利諾大 學、布朗大學及史丹福大學任教。2003年加入香港城市大學電腦科學系並任系主任。研究跨越理論計 算機科學各方向,專長於計算幾何與組合演算法。其論文“Speed-up in Dynamic Programming”和“A Scheduling Model for Reduced CPU Energy”被視為演算法研究重要新分支的源頭。 Prof. Frances Yao is a chair professor at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Information Sciences, Tsinghua University, Beijing. She received her PhD degree in mathematics from MIT in 1973. She has taught at the University of Illinois, Brown University and Stanford University. She joined the City University of Hong Kong in 2003 and served as the head of the Department of Computer Science. Her research interests cover various areas in theoretical computer science, specialising in computational geometry and combinatorial algorithms. Her papers “Speed-up in Dynamic Programming” and “A Scheduling Model for Reduced CPU Energy” ushered in an important new branch in the studies of algorithms. 10 umagazine | issue 07