
知名材料科學家阿登‧李‧貝蒙特教授 Prof. Arden Lee Bement, Jr., renowned materials scientist 獲頒榮譽理學博士學位的知名材料科學家阿登‧李‧貝蒙特教授,在業界、學術界及政府機構中作出了重大貢獻並出任許多重要領導職 務,曾主管多間國際機構於科技方面的重要事務,現為美國國家工程院院士。貝蒙特教授致力於材料研究,尤其是支持先進的工程轉 化技術,曾先後擔任美國麻省理工學院核材料學教授、美國-蘇聯雙邊磁流體動力學交流計劃成員、麻省理工學院聚變技術研究計劃 主管、美國國防部研究與工程副部長、國家標準技術研究所主任等。此外,在他出任美國國家科學基金會主席期間,領導國家科學基 金會在中國北京設立辦事處,促進中美科技合作。 Prof. Arden Lee Bement, Jr., recipient of the Degree of Doctor of Science honoris causa, has made outstanding contributions in his many important leadership roles in industry, academia, and government agencies. He was in charge of science and technology affairs at numerous international organisations. He is currently a member of the United States National Academy of Engineering. Prof. Bement conducts materials research in support of advanced engineering conversion technologies. He successively served as professor of nuclear materials at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), member of the US-USSR Bilateral Exchange Program in MHD, head of the MIT Fusion Technology Program, deputy undersecretary of defense for research and engineering, and director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology. He was the director of the US National Science Foundation (NSF). Under his directorship, NSF opened its of!ce in Beijing, China, which played an important role in enhancing Sino-US collaboration in science and technology. 佛光山開山宗長星雲大師 The Most Venerable Master Hsing Yun, founder of the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Order 佛光山開山宗長星雲大師名貫寰宇獲頒榮譽人文學博士學位,他曾先後創建200餘所道場,樹立佛教制度新風,信眾遍及天下, 在全球均具極高知名度與影響力。星雲大師畢生精研宗教哲學,博聞強識,著作等身,學術造詣精深,人文修為甚高,此外,他更 熱心公益,致力弘揚教育、文化和慈善事業,利濟眾生,於國內外創辦多所教育機構,包括:九所美術館、26所圖書館及出版社、 12所書局、50餘所中華學校、16所佛教學院等。大師一生得獎無數,舉其熒熒大者,如1978年榮膺首獲美國東方大學榮譽博士的 比丘,1992年被公推為世界佛教徒友誼會永久榮譽會長,1995年榮獲全印度佛教大會頒贈「佛寶獎」。 The Most Venerable Master Hsing Yun, recipient of the Degree of Doctor of Humanities honoris causa, is the founder of the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Order. He has established himself as an in"uential world religious and philanthropic !gure, with a large following worldwide. He has built more than two hundred temples all over the world. He has dedicated his whole life to the study of the philosophy of religion. He is wellread, a proli!c author, and is committed to the advancement of philanthropic, educational and cultural causes. He has foundeda large number of educational institutions both at home and abroad, including nine art galleries, twenty-six libraries and publishers, twelvebookstores, over !fty Chinese schools, and sixteen Tsung Lin Buddhist colleges. Master Hsing Yun has received numerous honours. In 1978, he became the !rst Buddhist monk to receive an honorary doctorate from the Eastern University in the US. In 1992, he was elected honorary president of the World Fellowship of Buddhists. In 1995, he received the Buddha Ratna Award from the All India Buddhist Conference. 著名商界翹楚蘇樹輝博士 Dr. Ambrose So Shu Fai, distinguished !gure in the business world 獲頒榮譽社會科學博士學位的著名商界翹楚蘇樹輝博士,為澳門博彩控股有限公司行政總裁、澳門博彩股份有限公司董事。為全國政 協委員、葡萄牙共和國駐香港特別行政區名譽領事、澳門特別行政區政府經濟發展委員會成員、澳門特別行政區政府文化諮詢委員會 成員,以及澳門陸軍俱樂部理事會主席等,對推動澳門、香港、中國及葡萄牙的經濟和文化交流合作,特別是促進澳門在中國與葡語 系國家之間的平台作用,貢獻良多。同時,他在服務澳門博彩旅遊業逾35年間,促進了澳門博彩業的專業化、規範化和多元化。蘇 博士為書法家,並舉辦多次個人書法作品展。2009年,蘇博士獲澳門特別行政區政府頒授文化功績勳章。 Dr. Ambrose So Shu Fai, recipient of the Degree of Doctor of Social Sciences honoris causa, has made signi!cant contributionsto the economic and cultural exchange and collaboration between Macao, Hong Kong, China and Portugal, especially in fostering Macao’s role as a platform between China and Portuguese-speaking countries. He is presently CEO of SJM Holdings Limited, Director of Sociedade de Jogos de Macau, S.A., member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, Honorary Consul of the Republic of Portugal in Hong Kong SAR, member of the Economic Development Council and of the Cultural Consultative Council of the Macao SAR government, and President of the Board of Directors of the Macau Military Club. Dr. So has served in Macao’s gaming and tourism industry for more than 35 years, during which time he has made relentless efforts to the professionalism, regulation and diversi!cation of the gaming industry. Dr. Soisadevotedcalligrapherandhasheldnumeroussoloexhibitions.In2009hewasawardedtheMedalofCulturalMeritbythe MacaoSAR government. 13