
The rapid development of UM is placing higher demands on student affairs work. After the new campus on Hengqin Island is put into use, an RC system will be fully implemented. This inevitably requires the training of a large number of outstanding student affairs professionals. Therefore, UM recently created two senior positions responsible for student affairs: Vice Rector for Student Affairs, and Dean of Students. The former is held by Prof. Haydn Chen, who has rich experience in higher education management, and the latter is held by Dr. Peter Yu, who has over twenty years of experience in student affairs. Additionally, in May 2012 UM established Asia’s !rst-ever Macau Student Affairs Institute, and invited top-notch student affairs and education experts from across the globe to provide an advanced training course. In this issue of umagazine, we invited Prof. Haydn Chen and Dr. Peter Yu to discuss from different perspectives how UM plans to help students acquire and improve soft skills, as well as how UM will enhance student management. We also interviewed some participants of the training course to learn what new understanding of student affairs they have gained from the course. 隨著澳大不斷發展,對學生事務工作亦提出了 更高要求,橫琴新校區啟用後將全面引入住宿 式書院,屆時需要大量優秀的學生事務人員來 拓展學生事務。故此,澳大特別新增兩個專門 負責學生事務的高層職位 ── 學生事務副校 長和學生事務長,前者由擁有豐富高校管理經 驗的程海東教授出任,後者由從事了20多年 學生事務管理工作的余小明博士出任。此外, 澳大今年5月亦舉辦了亞洲前所未有的澳門學 生事務高級研修班,請來全球頂尖的學生事務 專家、教育專家,全面提升高校學生事務發展 人員的質素。因此,我們特別邀請程海東教 授、余小明博士,從不同角度剖析澳大將如何 打造學生的軟實力,全面加強學生管理方面的 工作。同時,我們也專門走訪曾參與澳門學生 事務高級研修班的學員,暢談完成修讀課程之 後,對學生事務工作的新領悟、新啟發。 15