
平衡的跨領域學習,這是21世紀培育人 才的基本核心,澳大推行的「四位一體」 教育模式,就是先培育學生成為一個具 有良好品格的人,有行動力,有良好價 值觀和道德關懷心,能在團體中發揮力 量,這樣的人最後才能成為對社會有貢 獻的人才。 記: 拓展學生事務對培養學生軟實力有何重 要作用? 程: 現代大學教育觀念強調整合式跨領域學 習,除了專業教育,還有博雅教育或軟 實力教育,而在這方面,學生事務部可 free will rather than a slave to his knowledge, because a person full of knowledge in his head without independent analysis of the knowledge is nothing more than a robot. Towards the end of the twentieth century, universities came to realise that education should be learning-outcomebased, and so they began to attach more importance to multi-disciplinary education that stresses a balance between science subjects and the humanities. This is at the core of education in the twenty-!rst century. The “4-in-1” education model implemented at UM aims, !rst and foremost, to help students become people of action, people with good character traits and values and compassion, and people who can contribute to a team. Only then can they truly make valuable contributions to society. J: What role does student affairs work play in helping students develop soft skills? Prof. Chen encourages students to use time outside the classroom to develop various talents 程教授鼓勵學生利用課堂外時間發展不同才能 17