
各位讀者不難發現,本期 的 焦點聚於「人」:今年澳大向阿登‧李‧ 貝蒙特教授、星雲大師、蘇樹輝博士 及姚期智教授四位傑出人士頒授榮譽 博士學位,表彰他們在研究、文化與 教育方面的重大貢獻。我們把握機會 邀請來三位大師級科學家——姚期智 教授伉儷和劉炯朗教授進行一場難得 的對談,分享他們在人生和學術探索 路上的睿智經驗;另一方面,今年首 屆澳門科學技術獎上摘取唯一一項「自 然科學獎」一等獎的我校數學系錢濤 教授,也和我們分享他的激盪人生故 事,令我們對如何做學問和做人,多 了一份深刻而具體的感受⋯⋯ 從這些大師的寶貴人生經歷中,我們 不難體會到,大學教育的核心價值, 除了知識的教授和技術的承傳,更在 於涵養人格、開拓胸襟,學生們應在 大學階段建立自己的人生格局、鍛 鍊駕馭人生的能力。那麼,澳大將如 何在學生事務層面——尤其是在明年 遷入新校區後——達成這些目標呢? 我們透過專訪學生事務副校長程海東 教授、學生事務長余小明博士,以及 曾參與澳門學生事務高級研修班的學 員,從不同角度剖析澳大將如何透過 落實「四位一體」教育模式,全方位打 造學生的軟硬實力,創建具特色、高 水準的世界一流大學。 作為澳門規模最大的國際化、綜合性 公立大學,澳大除了培養人才,更責 無旁貸地肩負起社會責任,本期策劃 的專題文章,將有助於大家深入了解 澳大與社區的互動及聯繫。此外,從 今期開始推出的「學院專欄」,廣邀校 內不同學院的老師執筆,分享他(她) 們的精闢觀點和深入看法,相信必會 令各位讀者有所得益。 This issue of focuses on people. This year the University of Macau (UM) conferred honorary doctorates upon four distinguished individuals, Prof. Arden Lee Bement, Jr., The Most Venerable Master Hsing Yun, Dr. Ambrose So Shu Fai and Prof. Andrew Chi-Chih Yao, in recognition of their outstanding contributions in research, culture and education. A close encounter at UM with these eminent individuals was an interview opportunity too good to miss. So we invited Prof. Andrew Yao, his wife Prof. Frances Yao, and his former teacher Prof. David Chung-Laung Liu for an interview to share their life experiences and some insightful views on higher education and success. Another person that shares his inspiring life story in this issue is Prof. Qian Tao from the Department of Mathematics, who received the sole first prize of the Macao Science and Technology Award in the Natural Science Award category. Hopefully their stories can help readers gain some new understanding about how to be a better traveller in the journey of life and the never-ending journey of scholarship. If there is anything in common that we could easily learn from their stories, it’s that the core value of higher education should not be limited to the acquisition of knowledge and skills — higher education should also promote character development, opens one’s eyes and mind, broadens horizons, and helps draw a blueprint for life. How can UM achieve these objectives through its student affairs professionals — especially after relocation to the new campus next year? We interviewed Vice Rector (Student Affairs) Prof. Haydn Chen, Dean of Students Dr. Peter Yu, as well as some participants of an earlier advanced training course in student affairs offered by the Macau Student Affairs Institute. They discussed how UM plans to help students acquire and improve soft skills and become a world-class university with characteristics, through the implementation of the “4-in-1” education model. As the largest comprehensive public university in Macao, UM takes it upon itself to fulfill its social responsibility in addition to producing outstanding graduates. This issue’s feature will give readers a better understanding of the interactions and ties between UM and the community. Also worth reading are articles in the newlylaunched “Faculty Column”, in which faculty members share their insightful views on a diverse range of issues. 張惠琴 Katrina Cheong 電話 Tel: (853) 2883 1662 傳真 Fax: (853) 2883 5467 通訊 Mail: 中國澳門氹仔徐日昇寅公馬路 澳門大學傳訊部 Communications Of!ce University of Macau Av. Padre Tomas Pereira, Taipa, Macau, China 電郵 Email: 網址 Website: 主編 Editor-in-chief Katrina Cheong 編輯 Editor Joe Tang 執行編輯 Executive Editor Kris Chi 編輯助理 Editorial Assistant Veronica Tang Zara Ho 撰稿 Writers Albee Lei Ella Cheong Joe Tang Tak-Wing Ngo Rose Lai 翻譯 Translator Ruby Chen 顧問 Advisors Prof. Tim Simpson Prof. Wu Mei 出版 Publisher University of Macau ISBN:2077-2491 是澳門大學的刊物,每年出版兩期,旨在報道教學、科研及大學發展的最新動向。 is a biannual publication of the University of Macau. It aims to provide information on the latest developments of the university in teaching, research and other areas. Autumn/Winter 2012 <<Issue 7第七期>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>