
INTERVIEW 專 訪 以發揮很重要的作用,這部門應超越其 服務性的功能,成為教學單位,甚至是 培養學生軟實力的平台。所有在學生事 務部工作的人員,都肩負教育學生的責 任。目前澳大學生事務部已制定了培養 學生軟實力的教育目標,在此目標下我 們將設計核心能力指標,然後通過各種 課程、演講、工作坊、文藝、體育等多 項活動,讓學生達到這些能力指標。 記: 品格教育對學生來說為何重要? 程: 學生若只有專業知識卻沒有良好品格, 可能會造成很大的問題,比如知法犯法 的法律學家、沒有道德價值觀的商人, 他們對世界造成的害處可能會很大。雖 然專業和品格兩者都很重要,但是若從 造福人類的角度來看,我認為良好的品 格更重要。人格特質關乎人文素養,超 越了知識學習的範疇,那如何培養呢? 這跟從小的教育培養有關:一個喜歡探 索嘗試的人,視野就更寬廣。所以大學 要注重培養學生自發學習的能力,並裝 備優質的軟實力。我們要培養學生各方 面的素養,包括耐力、協作精神、守規 則、誠實,抗挫敗力等人格特質,這些 軟實力所包含的品格教育、關懷之心、 溝通技巧、價值觀、團隊精神、自律 等,幾乎都無法完全從專業課裡學習, 而要慢慢通過課堂外的跨領域學習以及 書院住宿學習來培養。 記: 住宿式書院制度在培養學生人文素養的 過程中擔任怎樣的角色? 程: 參考西方經驗,不論是英國牛津、劍橋 的書院(college)或美國的博雅教育學 院 (college of liberal arts education) , 生活學習都是核心教育理念。澳大新校 園啟用後將全面推行住宿式書院,書院 學習將以博雅教育的理念為核心 ── 重視學習自由,追求相濡以沫的師生互 動,書院生與書院導師一起生活,教學 相長。這種書院生活就是培養具有人文 素養的生活態度,培養書院生主動學 習、主動解決問題,還有良好溝通、與 人為善的學習和生活態度。唯有透過落 實書院的生活學習與實踐,才能真正達 到培養全人的目的。 C: The modern view of higher education stresses integrated, multidisciplinary education, which includes liberal arts education (or soft skills education) in addition to discipline-speci!c (hard skills) education. And in this respect, the Student Affairs Of!ce (SAO) can and should play an important role. SAO should go beyond its service function and become a teaching unit or even a platform for soft skills acquisition. All SAO colleagues have a responsibility to educate students. We have set our goals in terms of helping students develop soft skills, and with that goal in mind, we will design some core capability indices. By way of various courses and activities, UM will help students reach those core indices. J: Why is character education important for students? C: People with professional expertise but without good character can cause great disasters to the world. For example, a lawyer who "outs laws, a businessman with no moral scruples. Although expertise and character are both very important, I think the latter is more important from the point of view of bringing bene!ts to humankind. Character traits have to do with internalised liberal arts knowledge and caring about humanity, and this is beyond the realm of specialty knowledge acquisition. So how do we cultivate these character traits? The answer is through education that starts at an early age. A person who likes to explore and experiment is bound to have a broader perspective. Therefore, it is very important for universities to help students to develop initiative to learn, and equip them with various soft skills. We need to help students develop various skills and traits, including endurance, cooperation, observance of rules, honesty, resilience against setbacks, a caring heart, communication skills, good values, team spirit, and self-discipline. These soft skills — and character education that is essential for developing these skills — are almost impossible to obtain purely from classroom education. They have to be slowly acquired from multi-disciplinary learning outside the classroom. J: What role does the RC system play in helping students internalise liberal arts knowledge and foster caring about humanity? C: Experience of Western universities, whether colleges at Oxford and Cambridge or colleges of liberal arts education in the United States, shows that learning through living is at the core of their education philosophy. After the new campus is put into use, UM will fully implement an RC system, which will embody the philosophy of liberal arts education — respect for academic freedom and encouragement of mutually bene!cial teacher-student interaction through living together. This kind of RC life is a vehicle for instilling in students the right set of attitudes towards life and studies. It helps students to internalise liberal arts knowledge and to foster a caring heart. It also teaches students to use their initiative to learn, to solve problems proactively, to communicate effectively, and to be kind to others. Only through implementing RC-based learning through living and practice can we truly realise the goal of whole person education. 18 umagazine | issue 07