
J: How does UM help students to make full use of their time outside the classroom to strengthen soft skills? C: Let’s say students attend classes !ve days a week, if we minus the time they spend preparing for and attending classes, sleeping and eating, they’ve only got about sixty-eight hours left at their disposal. And students may not use these hours in a well-planned way; they may spend it net-sur!ng, doing part-time jobs and sports, hanging out with friends, etc. The education philosophy of UM’s “4-in-1” education model is to let SAO and each RC use these ten hours or so per week to organise well-designed courses, lectures and other activities to help students improve soft skills. The essence of liberal arts education is not the “chalk and talk” way of teaching, but rather lies in interaction. RCs are a pioneering move for UM. We will create more opportunities for students and make them truly want to participate. Living in an RC is different from living in a traditional dormitory. It’s a wonderful place to learn. It is also a good vehicle for implementing the “4-in-1” education model and for advancing whole person education. (The English is a translation of the interview conducted in Chinese) 記: 如何協助學生充分使用課外時間加強軟 實力? 程: 假設學生一星期上課五天,減掉備課、 上課、睡覺、吃飯的時間,每週剩下的 大概有68個小時由學生自行分配。學 生可能會沒規則的使用這些時段,如上 網、打工、運動、與朋友聚會等等,澳 大「四位一體」的教育理念是由學生事 務部和書院利用約每週10小時來幫助 學生設計提升軟實力的各種課程、演講 和活動。博雅教育的精髓不是機械式地 教導某些課程,而是著重人與人之間的 互動。書院對澳大而言具開創性,我們 會為學生製造更多機會,吸引他們自發 參與。書院有別於一般的宿舍生活,是 很好的學習地方。由此方式推動全人教 育,落實澳大「四位一體」的教育理念。 程海東教授 世界知名材料科學專家,在世界頂尖的美國 西北大學取得材料科學及工程學博士學位,之後在美國伊 利諾大學材料科學及工程系長期任教並取得終身教授職 位。程教授歷任美國伊利諾大學學術副校長行政專員、香 港城市大學物理及材料科學系系主任。2004年出任台灣 東海大學校長,期間推動博雅教育,創立「博雅書院」,實 踐培養學生知行合一的品格教育,使東海大學在招生、評 鑑、教學、研究、訓輔等方面取得非凡的成果。2012年9 月起出任澳大首任學生事務副校長。 Prof. Haydn Chen is a world-renowned expert on materials science. He received his PhD degree in Materials Science and Engineering from Northwestern University. He then taught in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) and became a tenured full professor there. He was administrative fellow of the Of!ce of the Vice President for Academic Affairs at UIUC, and head of the Department of Physics and Materials Science and chair professor of materials science at the City University of Hong Kong. In 2004 he took of!ce as president of Tunghai University, Taiwan. During his tenure as the president of Tunghai University, he actively promoted liberal arts education. He founded a liberal arts college to implement character education, which allowed Tunghai University to achieve extraordinary results in various areas, including student recruitment, teaching and research. In August 2012 he assumedof!ce as the !rst vice rector for student affairs at UM. 19