
是教育單位,與學生面談,幫助學生認識事情 的嚴重性和後果,並解釋學校處理意見的教育 意義,才能做到讓學生心服口服,而教育意義 也能由此彰顯。」余博士說準備向校方提出, 日後在學生紀律的處理方式內加上「社區服務」 這一項,「我們的目的是教育,而不是懲罰」。 學生事務部亦正計劃推動澳大學生參與社區服 務,培養同學們的慈愛之心,同時還能透過組 織活動提升學生的領導才能。 國外一流大學早已視學生事務為一門專業,投 放了大量精力和資源,相對起步較晚的澳大在 人員經驗和專業培訓方面仍有待加強。余博士 算過,澳大學生事務部的30多位同事,人均學 生事務工作經驗只有三年多,與一流大學相比 還有差距。但余博士也指出,若論校方對學生 事務的支持力度,澳大卻不輸蝕,如澳大在財 務方面對學生活動和學生事務給予了非常大的 支持,他說:「現在西方尤其在美國經濟衰退 後,許多大學都削減經費,學生事務往往受很 大影響。而澳大仍在財務上很『給力』,這是很 多海外大學不如澳大的地方。」 澳大新校園明年落成使用後,校園擴大,設施 倍增,可以預見學生事務的發展空間也會相應 增加。因此,澳大學生事務部日後將陸續開展 內部工作人員培訓,以應對新校園為學生管理 事務帶來的新挑戰。 sanction, without any follow-up actions. “We should always bear in mind that a university is an educational institution, so we should talk to the student face to face and help him or her to understand the seriousness and consequences of the action,” says Dr. Yu. “We should also explain how the disciplinary sanction is really just a means of educating. Only then will the student be willing to accept the punishment, and only then will the purpose of educating be achieved.” Dr. Yu says he plans to propose adding “community service” as a form of disciplinary sanction. “Our purpose is to educate, not to punish,” he says. SAO hopes to encourage UM students to participate more in community service, because community service helps cultivate benevolence, and can also improve their leadership skills through event organisation. Top universities overseas have long regarded student affairs as an area of expertise, and have invested considerable energy and resources in this area. In comparison, UM is a late starter and still has room to improve in terms of staff experience and professional training. Dr. Yu says that the more than thirty SAO colleagues have an average of three years of experience in student affairs, which is less than their counterparts at top universities overseas. But Dr. Yu also points out UM enjoys the advantage of top-down support for student affairs. “Many universities in the West began to slash funding, especially after the U.S. entered an economic recession, and student affairs took a hard hit,” remarks Dr. Yu. “But UM is still very generous in funding, which should make UM the envy of many overseas universities.” Given the increased size and facilities on the new campus, it’s foreseeable that student affairs work will have greater room for development. Therefore, SAO will carry out internal staff training to prepare for new challenges that may arise in the future. 余小明博士於上海師範大學完成英國文學本科課程,其 後在英國取得埃克塞特大學語言學碩士學位,美國維珍 尼亞大學國際與比較教育哲學博士學位。畢業後先後出 任美國維珍尼亞大學學生事務助理院長、副院長。余博 士在美國從事了十多年的學生事務管理,對國際高等教 育發展以及學生事務方面有非常豐富的經驗;他同時擁 有10年教學經驗,曾於中國及美國等地任教和講學。 2012年7月起出任澳大首任學生事務長。 Dr. Peter Yu completed his undergraduate studies in English Literature at Shanghai Normal University. He received his master’s degree in linguistics from the University of Exeter, United Kingdom, and his PhD degree in International and Comparative Education from the University of Virginia, United States. After graduation he successively served as assistant dean of students and associate dean of students at the University of Virginia. Dr. Yu has worked in student affairs management positions for more than ten years in the United States. He also has rich experience in international higher education development and student affairs. He has ten years of teaching experience in both China and the U.S. In July 2012 he assumed of!ce as the !rst dean of students at UM. 21