
歐陽白曉 Claire Ouyang 持續積極求變不單適用於澳大學生事務工作, 也適用於澳大的學生。我們希望學生不斷學習 成長,尤其是在軟實力方面,如團隊合作精 神、人文關懷等。我們將這些期望告訴學生, 並提供必要的支持,來幫助他們學習及成長。 學生事務已成為促進學生全人發展的一個策略 性渠道。」 研修班的另一位學員歐陽白曉是澳大教育學院 的博士生,她在碩士期間主修高等教育研究, 目前的研究專注於生涯輔導和學生發展。透過 這次研修,她認為自己更好地整合了學生發展 理論,更瞭解學生事務工作在大學的重要角色 和多樣的形式。這次研修經歷也令她更堅定了 未來繼續在大學從事教育和學生工作的信念: 「要幫助學生成長,並逐漸形成一個有關未來 職業和生活的藍圖,學校的各個方面都很重 要。」 澳大東亞書院導師黃才試(Kevin)也是參加研 修班的學員,令他印象最深刻的,是有導師提 出參與學生事務工作的人員──包括行政人員 ──都是教育工作者的觀念,「這觀念改變了 很多澳大行政人員過往的看法,大家受到莫大 的鼓舞,覺得參與學生事務很有意義。」Kevin 表示,在大學工作的每位職員都有機會與學生 接觸,你無法預計今天與學生的相處會對他們 日後產生甚麼影響,但在他們畢業2、30年後 再回想當年大學生活,可能是他們最大的收 穫,「而這正是現時大學推行住宿式書院制度 所希望見到的效果。」 現今社會發展日新月異,環境亦趨複雜多變。 「一本通書讀到老」的時代已然不再,而大學教 育也早已非職業教育、技能教育那麼簡單。大 學畢業生投入與主修專業無關的行業亦日趨普 遍。現代高等教育最重要的核心價值,除了培 養學生的專業知識、跨學科知識、發掘和創造 新知識的能力,更重視培養同學們終身自發學 習、主動探索創新、高尚品格,以及對生活充 滿熱情等全方位素質。 澳大師生員工很快將遷入比現校園大20倍的 新校園,屆時透過更完備的軟硬件,將加快推 動「四位一體」教育模式全面落實,全方位打 造學生的軟硬實力,尤其通過住宿式書院,培 養學生的品德、人格,並促進他們的群體合作 精神。此時此刻,我們站在新起點,面對新方 向,將推動澳大的教育事業走向嶄新的開闊 局面,而新的教學及學生管理模式,也勢必給 澳門及鄰近地區的高等教育體系發展帶來新啟 示。 Kevin, a resident fellow at UM’s East Asia College, also participated. He says what left the deepest impression on him was the concept introduced by one course instructor that all student affairs staff, including administrative staff, are educators. “This concept is very encouraging,” says Kevin. “It changes the way many UM colleagues perceive their jobs and helps them realise that working in student affairs is actually very meaningful.” Kevin says that every UM colleague has the chance to deal with students, regardless of their positions, and one simply can’t predict how today’s interaction is going to affect the students in the future. “You never know. Your one encounter with the student could have the biggest impact on him or her twenty or thirty years after graduation, and that’s what UM hopes could happen with the RC system.” says Kevin. Today’s world is fast-changing and complicated. Long gone are the days when people could rely on the education they received in the classroom to sustain and nourish them for the rest of their lives. University education has ceased to simply ful!ll the function of vocational education or skills training, and it is becoming increasingly common for university graduates to work in professions not related to their major area of study. In addition to imparting knowledge, both in and outside the students’ chosen !elds of study, and teaching them to discover and create knowledge, modern higher education also attaches great importance to helping students cultivate a full range of qualities, such as initiative to pursue lifelong learning, willingness to explore and innovate, a noble character, and passion for life. This is also the most important core value of modern higher education. With UM soon to move to a new campus that is twenty times larger than the current one, we !nd ourselves at a new beginning. We believe that the better facilities on the new campus and the advanced systems and education philosophy will accelerate the implementation of the “4-in-1” education model, which will in turn help the students to cultivate soft and hard skills. The RCs, in particular, will play a tremendous role in helping students to cultivate good character, personality and team spirit. The new mode of teaching and students management will certainly spur other higher education institutions in Macao and the neighboring regions to contemplate on their own development. 黃才試(右)在研修班上與導師交流 Kevin (right) discusses questions with an instructor of the advanced course in student affairs 23