
INTERVIEW 人 物 專 訪 看速度,這『速度』就是求導數了,或者說求 差分,比如說女性檢查員一般比較快,所以我 會先觀察然後再選擇(排隊),這些實際都與數 學有關。」 2000年錢濤加入澳大數學系之際,該系尚未培養 過博士生,「我01、02年開始帶第一個博士生, 就是澳大培養的第一位數學博士高潔欣。」對於 教書育人,錢濤有獨特見解:「我教學生,不 要求他們做很多pape(r 論文),而是要他們做 學問。做學問和做文章是不同的,有時候學生 跟在別人後面邯鄲學步,也能獲得認可或者發 表。但問題是,你做的是人家基本理論的細 化,自己並沒有任何創造。當然,開始的學習 階段可以跟在一些大師後面做,但不能光做人 家做剩的東西,最後還是必須要做自己的、有 創建性的研究,所以我很重視學生的原創精 神。」 錢濤認為澳門城市雖小,但教育水平和內地相 比並不差,更擁有獨特優勢,「澳門處於中國 和西方之間,(澳大)學術氛圍不錯,國際交 流比較多,接觸層面比較國際化,學生在這裡 讀完後,也相對比較容易再到外國深造。」錢 教授1986年開始積極參與國際學術交流,至 今走過十多個國家,與多國數學家共同研究、 發表了大量學術論文,多次成為國際重要學術 會議的特邀發言人。回顧自己在學術路上能不 斷開闢新章,其實有賴求學期間扶持自己的恩 appointed postdoctoral research fellow by the Australian Academy of Science and went to Australia to carry out research on pure maths. He began teaching at the University of New England in 1992. In 2000 he joined UM, continuing with his teaching and research. “For a Maths Lover, the World Is Mathematical” “Different people look at the world differently,” observes Qian Tao. “For example, Mozart could compose a piece of music after a walk in the garden, because to him the world was musical. A painter sees a pictorial world. Likewise, for a lover of maths, the world is mathematical.” Qian Tao sees maths everywhere, and he didn’t miss a beat when asked to give an example. “Let’s say you need to go through immigration clearance, and you need to decide which queue to join, then you should pay attention not just to “This actually has something to do with derivative and difference.” When Qian Tao joined UM in 2000, there was no PhD graduate from the to graduate from UM. Qian Tao has a unique philosophy about educating student. “I don’t require my students to write many papers,” he says. “I encourage them to be creative, to do something original. Of course they can start by picking up the crumbs left behind by masters, and there is a good chance that doing so could lead them to academic recognition or even published works, but eventually it’s creativity that really matters.” 與恩師Alan McIntosh教授(右)在一起,無論專業還是生活上他都是錢濤的良師摰友。 With Prof. Alan McIntosh, a great teacher and a mentor in Qian Tao’s professional and personal life. 28 umagazine | issue 07