
「學術探索無止境」 錢教授透露,接下來一方面會致力於如自適應傅 里葉變換(AFD, Adaptive Fourier Decomposition) 在數學以及工程技術方面的應用,另一方面 會繼續深化研究,「比如不僅在一維,還在高 維,將是更新、更複雜的數學結構。學術探索 無止境,我們在不斷奠定這方面的基礎。」 在首屆澳門科學技術獎勵頒獎典禮上代表全 體獲獎人發言時,錢濤衷心感謝評審委員會 對「發明」的認同,以及澳大趙偉校長和馬許 願副校長為代表的澳大研究委員會的巨大支 持。但因台上發言時間有限,錢教授說其實 背後功臣還有很多,更念念不忘這些名字: 李落清,諶秋暉,李紅,徐躍生,張海樟, 王蕊,燕敦燕,顏立新,李登峰,張立明, 譚立輝,王彥波,黨培,米文,李爽, 何耀堂,梁英德,高潔欣,李志雄,麥偉雄, Michael Steesin,Elias Wegert,Wolfgang Sproessig 等等。 澳門雖小,卻蘊含相當潛力。是次科技獎勵評 審委員會有委員認為,兩岸四地科技發展中, 澳門進步顯著。運輸工務司司長劉仕堯也在頒 獎禮致辭時強調,日後政府將加大對科研和科 普的投入,為廣大科技工作者施展才華提供廣 闊平台。相信在特區政府支持之下,在一大批 如錢濤教授般兢兢業業、鍥而不捨的科學技術 工作者的努力之下,澳門科技研究與教育事業 的明天,必定更加燦爛耀眼。 No Finish Line in Scholarly Pursuit Prof. Qian discloses that his next focus will be on the application of Adaptive Fourier Decomposition in maths and engineering technology, and in the meantime will continue with his research in a more in-depth manner. For him, Technology Awards Ceremony on behalf of all the other prize recipients, Qian Tao thanked the Assessment Committee for its recognition of the invention, and thanked UM’s Research Committee, especially UM Rector Prof. Wei Zhao and Vice Rector Prof. Rui Martins, for their great support. He regrets that due to time limitations, he was not able to include in his speech the names of the following people to whom he also owes a debt of gratitude. They are Li Luoqing, Chen Qiuhui, Li Hong, Xu Yuesheng, Zhang Haizhang, Wang Rui, Yan Dunyan, Yan Lixin, Li Dengfeng, Zhang Liming, Tan Lihui, Wang Yanbo, Dang Pei, Mi Wen, Li Shuang, Ho Io Tang, Leong Ian Tak, Kou Kit Ian, Li Zhixiong, Mai Weixiong, Michael Steesin, Elias Wegert, and Wolfgang Sproessig. Macao is a small city with big potential. Some members on the Assessment Committee commented that among the four territories of Macao, Hong Kong, Taiwan and mainland China, Macao has made visible progress in science and technology development. Lau Si Io, secretary for transport and public works of Macao SAR, also stressed at the award ceremony that the popularisation in order to provide a bigger stage for scientists and engineers to demonstrate their talent. There is every reason to believe that with the support of the SAR government and the dedication of outstanding scientists like Prof. Qian Tao, Macao’s science, technology and education will have a bright future. Macao Science and Technology Awards In 2011 the Macao SAR government promulgated the “Regulations of Science and Technology Awards” which states the launch of Science and Technology Awards, Postgraduate Science and Technology Research and Development Awards, and Special Rewards. The Science and Technology Awards are divided into three categories: Natural Science Award, Technological Invention Award and Science Technology Progress Award. The purpose is to reward technology in Macao, thereby motivating local scientists to be dedicated and creative in order to accelerate the development of science and technology in Macao. 澳門科學技術獎 澳門特區政府於2011年初頒佈了《科學技術獎勵 規章》,設立科學技術獎,研究生科技研發獎, 及特別獎勵。其中,科學技術獎又分自然科學 獎、技術發明獎及科技進步獎。此獎項設置目的 是藉獎勵在澳門科學技術活動中做出貢獻的人士 或機構,以提高本地科學技術工作者的積極性和 創造性,加快本地科學技術事業的發展。 31