
貢獻學術力量 協力社會發展 一直以來,澳大極力貢獻自身學術力量,充分 配合澳門政府部門、公共機構以及民間社團及 社區團體,透過多方位合作,提供科研及學術 支援,以專業知識服務社群。據澳大科技學 院譚錦榮教授透露,早前他曾受澳門電訊管 理局委託,組織研究團隊協助調查澳門電訊 (CTM)嚴重斷網報告,「鑑於斷網一事影響廣 大市民,故特別受關注。當時電信管理局委託 澳大的團隊去開展調查並作分析報告,調查小 組除到現場視察外,亦與CTM進行了多次面 談會議。」譚教授更表示,「儘管過程不易,但 在相關領域的專業性受到認同,並能為社會出 一分力,個人感到很欣慰。」事實上,譚教授 指出,現時大學實驗室的不少科研項目,均會 針對公眾社群所需而進行深入研究,如:利用 無線射頻識別技術(RFID)。RFID在澳門社群 的創新應用,包括圖書館自動化管理和智能郵 政服務,以優化澳門當前的公共設施服務。又 如目前正在研究階段的、主要針對澳門世界文 化遺產構想的防火安全系統探測器(Wireless UV Sensor),應用光學感應原理,透過火焰的 紫外線特定波長來偵察建築物內火警發生的情 況。 Further the Development of Society All along, UM has actively provided academic and technological support to government departments, public organisations, and private associations, hoping to serve the local community with its expertise. Prof. Tam Kam Weng from UM’s Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) was commissioned by the Bureau of Telecommunications Regulation of Macao SAR earlier to investigate CTM’s major mobile and internet service failure. “Given the widespread effect of the incident, the bureau requested us to investigate and write an analysis report,” recalls Prof. Tam. “In addition to !eld inspection, we also held several meetings with CTM personnel. The process was not easy, but I was grati!ed that my expertise was recognised and I had the chance to do something for the community.” Prof. Tam says that many research projects conducted by the laboratory seek to answer the needs of the local community. He cites the examples of the Radio Frequency Identi!cation technology (RFID), whose innovative applications have led to improved public facilities and service, such as automated management of the library, intelligent postal service, etc., as well as the Wireless UV Sensor, which is still in the R&D stage and which is mainly for !re prevention for world heritage sites in Macao. 作為澳門本地規模最大的國際化、綜合性公立大學,澳門大學(澳大)除了著 力培養各方面的優秀人才之外,更責無旁貸地肩負起社會責任,積極參與及 推動澳門社會的蓬勃發展。 As the largest comprehensive public university in Macao, the University of Macau (UM) is duty bound to ful!ll its social responsibility to contribute to the development of Macao, in addition to producing outstanding graduates. 譚錦榮教授(右一)組織研究團隊協助調查澳門電訊斷 網報告(圖片由澳門電訊管理局提供) Prof. Tam’s (!rst from right) team was commissioned to investigate CTM’s mobile and internet service failure (Photo courtesy of the Bureau of Telecommunications Regulation of Macao) 澳大科技學院的無線通訊實驗室參與多項應用於澳門社群的研究 Many research projects conducted by the Wireless Communication Laboratory seek to answer the needs of the local community 33