
專 題 FEATURES 此外,在早前發生沙梨頭海邊街善豐花園因主 力結構柱受損而導致的樓宇結構安全事件中, 受相關政府部門委託,澳大科技學院屬下之工 程研究及檢測中心,結合科技學院土木及環境 工程系的技術支持,開展相關科學監測工作, 包括以持續實時監測手段,於鄰近受損構件的 臨時加固設施、立柱等安裝監測儀器,藉以了 解臨時加固後構件的行為變化,並提供監測數 據予政府相關部門作參考依據。由此可見,澳 大不但在相關學術領域的專業水平深受認同, 更主動發揮學術力量,對社會事件提供積極支 持與配合。 Another example that shows UM’s active participation in social affairs and public recognition of its expertise is the earlier Sin Fong Garden incident arising from the building’s damaged main support column. After the incident, UM’s Centre for Engineering Research and Testing (CERT) was commissioned by the government to monitor the structure of the building, with technical support of FST. In order to understand the behaviour of the structural members of the building and to provide updated monitoring data to the Macao SAR government, CERT and FST reinforced the damaged column and installed several instruments on the temporary facilities and the adjacent columns through a real-time monitoring system. 工程研究及檢測中心人員為建築工程進行檢測(圖片由澳大工程研究及檢測中心提供) Centre for Engineering Research and Testing staff are testing a structure (Photo courtesy of the Centre for Engineering Research and Testing of UM) 澳大和同善堂透過學術合作推進澳門慈善事業研究(圖片由澳大澳門研究中心) UM hopes to promote philanthropy in Macao through academic collaboration with Tung Sin Tong (Photo courtesy of the Centre of Macau Studies of UM) 34