
在學術合作方面,如今年澳大和澳門同善堂聯 合主辦的「紀念同善堂創建120周年座談會」, 就是一次透過學術合作推進澳門慈善事業進程 的良好嘗試。澳門同善堂是一所創辦於1892 年的本地慈善機構,一直致力透過助貧施濟、 贈醫施藥、免費教育托兒以及緊急救援等範疇 服務本地社區。在這次與同善堂的合作中,澳 大充分發揮學術優勢,邀請來自本澳、葡萄 牙、廣州和香港的相關教授及專家學者,圍繞 多個議題展開深入討論,透過學術探討和座談 交流,在系統記錄和評價同善堂發展歷程的同 時,亦推動澳門和中華民族慈善事業的發展。 展現學術實力 推動科技進步 澳大在2012首屆澳門科學技術獎取得佳績,榮 獲九項科學技術獎、19名博士及碩士研究生獲 「研究生科技研發獎」,在本澳高等院校之中稱 冠。其中,「自然科學獎」項內,澳大錢濤教授 以「瞬變訊號的時頻分析和算法實現:信號的調 和分析及Clifford分析」項目榮獲唯一一項「自 然科學獎」一等獎;王一濤、李銘源、陳修平、 陳美婉及陸金健的「中藥藥理與質量關聯研 究」項目獲二等獎;吳恩華、吳雯、朱鑒及 徐添辰的「對基於現代圖形處理器的通用計算 (GPGPU)的研究與創新」項目獲三等獎;「技 術發明獎」項內,澳大團隊馬許願、余成斌、 麥沛然及冼世榮的「模擬與混合信號介面接口 —— 應用於無處不在的微電子世界」項目獲二 等獎;黃民聰、戴寧怡及陸耀強的「三維脈寬 調制技術及其在三相四線制有源濾波器中的應 Earlier this year UM and the Macau Tung Sin Tong Charitable Society (Tung Sin Tong) co-organised a seminar in celebration of the 120th anniversary of Tung Sin Tong, representing a successful attempt on the part of UM to promote philanthropy in Macao and China through academic collaboration. A local charity founded in 1892, Tung Sin Tong is dedicated to serving the local community through various charitable deeds, including raising money for the poor, providing free medical consultation, medicines, nursery and emergency rescue services to the needy, etc. In co-organising the seminar, UM invited experts from Macao, Portugal, Guangzhou and Hong Kong to carry out indepth discussions on a range of issues and to systematically record and evaluate the development of Tung Sin Tong. Advance Science and Technology At the !rst Macao Science and Technology Awards Ceremony held earlier this year, UM won nine prizes across three categories of the Science and Technology Awards, as well as nineteen prizes in the Postgraduate Science and Technology Research and Development Award category, eclipsing all the other higher education institutions in Macao. In the Natural Science Award category, Prof. Qian Tao’s project, “Time-Frequency Analysis of Transient Signals and Algorithm: Harmonic and Clifford Analysis of Signals”, won the sole !rst prize. The project, “Association Study of Pharmacology and Quality in Chinese Medicine”, by Wang Yitao, Lee Ming-Yuen, Chen Xiuping, Chen Meiwan and Lu Jinjian, won a second prize. The project, “Investigation and Innovation in the General Purpose Computation based on GPU (GPGPU)”, by Wu Enhua, Wu Wen, Zhu Jian and Xu Tianchen, won a third prize. In the Technological Invention Award category, Rui Martins, U Seng Pan, Mak Pui In and Sin Sai Weng won a second prize for their project, “Analog and Mixed-Signal Interfaces for a Ubiquitous Electronic World”. The project, “Three-Dimensional Pulse Width Modulation Techniques and Its Applications in Three-Phase Four-Wire Active Filters”, by Wong Man Chung, Dai Ningyi 澳大於首屆澳門科學技術獎獲獎數量為本澳高等院校之冠 UM wins more awards than any other higher education institutions in Macao at the !rst Macao Science and Technology Awards Ceremony 35