
英國著名物理學家、宇宙學家霍金因肌肉萎 縮性側索硬化症不能動也無法說話。藉著先 進的科技,他借助感應面部肌肉運動的紅外 線感測器完成多場精彩演說,但由於其控制 面部肌肉運動的能力正在持續惡化,霍金可 能轉用創新的眼球追踪技術。相類電子儀器 的價格動輒數十萬,一般家庭難以負擔,為 使更多有需要的人士受惠,澳門大學(澳大) 科技學院電腦及資訊科學系畢業生李綺琪及 黃旺經過兩年研究,成功開發出低成本、高 效能和簡單易用的眼球追蹤技術。 「iINTERACT」效益巨大 眼球追蹤技術是近10年的熱門研究課題,一般 舊式系統的體積大、成本高,不便攜帶。李綺琪 及黃旺所研發名為「iINTERACT」的系統,其 獨特之處在於使用者只需擁有一部帶鏡頭的電 腦或手提電話,裝上該程式便可使用。李綺琪 介紹,程式以注視點和熱圖方法分析和顯示眼 跡,殘障使用者便可透過眼睛操控鼠標或按鍵 與外界溝通,如發送電郵、瀏覽網站、處理文 件,甚至玩遊戲等等。而「iINTERACT」將來更 可應用於商業、工程、軍事領域的專業研究及 系統開發,可為相關企業帶來巨大效益。 Stephen Hawking, the renowned British physicist and cosmologist, couldn’t move or speak because of motor neuron disease, but with the help of an infrared sensor that detects his facial movements, he has given many mindblowing lectures to the general public. As Hawking’s ability to control his facial movements continues to decline, scientists are investigating more motion-sensing technologies, including eye tracking technology. While eye tracking devices can help those with disabilities to interact and communicate with the world, the high price keeps the technology out of reach of ordinary people. “How to use this technology to bene!t more people in need?” was the question that motivated Lei I Kei (Wendy) and Wong Wong (Jacky), two graduates of the Department of Computer and Information Science, Faculty of Science and Technology (FST), University of Macau (UM), to spend two years developing iINTERACT, a low-cost, easy-to-use eye tracking system. Enormous Potential of iINTERACT What sets iINTERACT apart from traditional eye tracking devices, which are usually expensive and bulky, is that it’s ready for use after being installed in a computer or mobile phone mounted with a conventional digital video camera. Wendy explains that by analysing and displaying eye movement in the form of gaze plots and heat maps, the system enables the user to control the mouse or keyboard with his or her eyes, thus communicating with the world and performing various activities like sending email, sur!ng the Internet, processing !les and playing computer games. A regular computer mounted with a camera can realise eye tracking 普通鏡頭加電腦已可實現眼球追蹤 39