
專 題 FEATURES 「iINTERACT」雖應用廣泛,但技術上仍可進 一步提高,指導老師黃輝博士及周沁博士坦 言,若使用者眼睛轉動速度太快,眼動儀可能 來不及追蹤。欲追求系統的追蹤速度,需以最 少演算法來實現目標追蹤;欲追求精準,則需 給予系統更多參數作運算。希望日後再進一步 研究,在準確性以及效能速度上找到一個平衡 點,開發更靈巧的眼球追蹤系統,使之最終能 成為普及型產品在市面流通,讓人類生活更美 好。 提早研究 成果加倍 澳大鼓勵本科生進行高端科研,在資源上給予 大力支持,李綺琪和黃旺便是因為參與暑期實 驗室研究計劃而觸發其提早進行研究。當時他 們跟隨黃博士做研究工作,受濃厚學術氣氛的 薰陶,對科研的興趣越來越大,更開始構思自 己的項目。而黃博士得知他們在研究眼球追蹤 技術之後,雖知困難重重仍全力支持,透過深 入淺出的引導和鼓勵,一次又一次引領李綺琪 及黃旺走出研究困局,師生間建立了深厚情 誼,故此,即使如今李綺琪和黃旺已經畢業, 但還經常在下班後回校與導師討論工作。 回想研發「iINTERACT」的過程:「我們大二開 始準備,用了兩年多完成這個程式,第一年主 要是翻閱文獻,掌握技術;第二年寫程式時嘗 試了各種方法,曾遇到很多難題,我們日思夜 While iINTERACT has enormous potential in terms of applications in business, engineering and military realms, Dr. Wong Fai and Dr. Chao Sam, supervisors of Wendy and Jacky, say the system still has room for technical improvement. “For example, if the user’s eyes move too fast, the system might not be able to keep up. To increase tracking speed, you need to use the least number of algorithms, but to improve precision, you need to give the system more parameters. So we hope to achieve an optimum balance between speed and precision and develop a more !exible system, so it can become popularised and better the lives of more people,” says Dr. Wong. The Early Bird Catches the Worm UM encourages undergraduate students to carry out advanced research and provides generous support in this area. The idea of iINTERACT was born during Wendy and Jacky’s participation in a summer research programme under the supervision of Dr. Wong where they grew increasingly interested in scienti"c research because of the rich academic atmosphere—so interested, in fact, that they began to wonder if they could undertake a project based on their idea. After learning Wendy and Jacky were doing research on eye tracking, Dr. Wong committed his full support although he foresaw they would encounter numerous dif"culties. He was right. Over and over again, Wendy and Jacky got stuck. Over and over again, Dr. Wong cheered them on and guided them to achieving one breakthrough after another. Their efforts bore fruit in the end, in the form of iINTERACT as well as a close bond that formed between them. Now Wendy and Jacky have graduated, but they often visit Dr. Wong after work to consult his opinions on research-related issues. “We started preparing in our sophomore year, and we spent over two years developing the system,” recalls Jacky. “We spent the "rst year poring over (左起)黃輝博士、黃旺和李綺琪三師徒 (From left) Dr. Wong Fai, Jacky and Wendy 40 umagazine | issue 07