
想、逐一擊破,想起雖然覺得辛苦,但很有 滿足感,可謂有付出有收穫。」黃旺頓了頓, 繼續說道:「這項目風險高,不知是否能成。 不過,做研究就要有fail的心理準備,不行再 試!」李綺琪講述比賽的難忘經歷:「還記得我 到重慶參加比賽時,一位當地學生對我說了一 句話:『你很有想法!』,令我緊張的心情化為 喜悅去迎接評審答辯的挑戰。每次比賽都是一 個經驗累積,為了應對各個科研比賽,賽前都 會回校與導師商討,針對技術、功能、演講技 巧等方面作出相對應的改善,務求盡善盡美, 把最好的一面展示給各方評審。」他們回憶著開 發過程中的點點滴滴,僅是鏡頭設置就嘗試過 多種方法,比如笨重的頭戴式、眼鏡式等等, 弄壞幾個鏡頭後,最終研究出以電腦鏡頭追蹤 眼球運動的方法。 永不言棄的他們終於順利在畢業前完成項目, 而且得到老師的肯定,更獲得校內科技學院 (院長榮譽榜)優秀畢業設計獎,令其他在大四 才開始著手研究的同學既佩服又羡慕;而從沒 想過會得獎的李綺琪和黃旺,更先後在其他賽 事中囊括獎項,包括:IEEE 2012科研項目比 賽第一名,2012年度安利杯大學生計算機作品 賽金獎及最佳創新獎,澳門資訊及通訊科技大 獎賽的優異獎及2012年度亞太區資訊及通訊科 技大獎的優異獎(大學生組)。 見愛徒有如此好成績,黃博士自然樂見其成: 「眼球追蹤是個新科研領域,當中包含了多種 技術,對本科生來說比較艱深,但他們從研究 的過程中不斷發掘出新知識,有艱辛,亦有得 著。」 科研動人之處,是其不僅豐富了研究員 的生命,也讓別人的生命更精彩。期待 「iINTERACT」早日走進人們日常的生活。 technical literature, and during the second year we tried various methods to write the programme. We encountered many problems that kept us awake at nights, but we overcame them one by one. It was hard, but it was very ful!lling, and our efforts paid off in the end.” Jacky pauses before he adds, “This project was risky in that we didn’t know if we could succeed. But I guess with research, you just have to be prepared to fail and try again and again.” Jacky says even with the relatively trivial technical detail like the setup of the camera, they failed many times—they broke several cameras trying different methods, like a head-mounted camera and glasses camera, before !nally deciding on the current computer-mounted camera. Wendy recalls the unforgettable experience of participating in a competition. “I remember going to Chongqing for a competition and feeling a bit nervous, and then a local student said to me, ‘You’ve got some really cool ideas!’ That made me a lot more relaxed and I even looked forward to facing the judges’ questions,” says Wendy. “Every competition is an opportunity to gain some experience, and in preparing for these competitions, I would seek my supervisor’s advice on how to improve my speaking skills as well as the technical and functional aspects of the project, to make everything as perfect as possible before presenting the project to the judges.” The fact that Wendy and Jacky successfully developed the iINTERACT system before graduation, when most of their fellow students were just beginning to consider the subject of their research, made them the envy of their peers. But even Wendy and Jacky didn’t expect the project to bring them so many honours, including the Dean’s Final Year Project List Award, a !rst prize at the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Project Competition 2012, the Gold and Creativity Prizes: Amway Cup 2012 University IT Project Competition, a Merit Award: Macau ICT Awards, and a Merit Award (Category: Tertiary Student Project) at the Asia Paci!c Information and Communications Technology Awards 2012. Dr. Wong is happy for Wendy and Jacky. He says, “Eye tracking is a new area of research, which involves various technologies, so it’s very dif!cult for undergraduate students. But they managed to constantly discover new knowledge in the process, which was hard but also rewarding.” The beauty of scienti!c research is that it enriches life and opens up endless possibilities. We look forward to the day when the iINTERACT system ful!ls the purpose that prompted Wendy and Jacky to develop it in the !rst place—to bene!t more people in need. 「iINTERACT」已獲多個獎項 iINTERACT has won several awards 41