
2012年11月16日,澳門大學(澳大)在文化 中心舉行2012年榮譽學位及高等學位頒授典 禮,在澳門特別行政區行政長官兼澳大校監 崔世安博士主持下,澳大向阿登‧李‧貝蒙特教授 (Arden Lee Bement, Jr.)、蘇樹輝博士及姚期 智教授頒授榮譽博士學位,以表彰他們在科學 研究、文化與教育等方面的重大貢獻。代表榮 譽博士在典禮上致辭的姚期智教授表示,「歷 經三十餘載的發展,澳大不僅在教學、研究領 域成績斐然,在社會服務方面更取得了卓越成 就,正朝著世界一流大學邁進。」姚教授對澳大 的高度評價,實令澳大人倍感鼓舞。 追溯起來,姚期智教授和澳門的緣份,始於其 澳門人導師、國際知名計算機科學家劉炯朗。 幸運的是,在頒授典禮當日,姚、劉兩師徒均 同在座,而更巧的是,姚教授的太太儲楓亦在 場。算起來,當年專業本屬物理學的姚期智, 就是在儲楓建議下轉向新興的計算機領域,而 本身亦成就卓越的儲楓,目前在北京清華大學 擔任講席教授,與先生比翼齊飛。 當 然不會放過這個難得良機,力邀三位大師對談 分享感受。姚氏夫婦加上姚教授的恩師劉炯 朗,訪談室內頓時滿溢一片溫馨氣氛。而我們 的話題,就從姚、劉二人差不多40年前的那段 師生緣份開始⋯⋯ On 16 November 2012, the University of Macau (UM) conferred honorary doctorates upon Prof. Arden Lee Bement, Jr., Dr. Ambrose So Shu Fai and Prof. Andrew Chi-Chih Yao, in recognition of their outstanding contributions in research, culture and education. The ceremony was presided by Dr Chui Sai On, Chief Executive of Macao SAR and chancellor of UM. In his speech on behalf of the other honorary degree recipients, Prof. Andrew Chi-Chih Yao said, “Through over thirty years of development, UM has attained impressive achievements in teaching, research and community service, and is now working towards the goal of becoming a world-class university.” Of the four recipients, Prof. Yao deserves special mention because his ties with Macao dated back nearly forty years when he studied under Prof. David Chung-Laung Liu, a world-renowned computer scientist who received his early education in Macao and who watched with pride as his former student received the honorary degree. A close encounter at UM with two eminent computer scientists was an interview opportunity too good to be missed. So the editorial team of invited the two masters for an interview, to which they generously agreed. To our pleasant surprise, Prof. Yao’s wife Frances Yao, who was also at the ceremony, joined our interview. An accomplished scholar in her own right, Frances is a chair professor at Tsinghua University, Beijing. It was Frances who suggested to Prof. Yao forty years ago that he should switch from physics to computer science, a relatively new !eld at the time. And our interview began with Prof. Yao recalling how that suggestion led him to become a student of Prof. Liu, who would later have a profound in"uence on his life. UM confers an honorary doctorate upon Prof. Andrew Chi-Chih Yao (2nd from left) at a ceremony presided by Dr. Chui Sai On (2nd from right), chief executive of Macao SAR and chancellor of UM. 在澳門特別行政區行政長官兼澳大校監崔世安博士(右二)主持下,澳大向姚期智教授(左二)頒授榮譽博士學位。 3