
填補缺失的條件 由於缺失的填補要求通過建立或修改制度規定 和職能角色去糾正功能失調,整個過程必然會 導致制度的變革。當前關於制度變革的爭論往 往陷入功能觀和政治觀的兩級化。 關於制度缺失的探討則有助避免這種兩極化。 我們在分析時將近距的制度與大背景制度加以 區分。通常,對新解決方法的功能性需求可能 會導致近距制度的修改。但是,大背景制度的 變更所涉及的政治和歷史過程則未必與功能性 需求相關。一種新的做法是否能夠完全制度 化,還是只能作為一種臨時性解決方案,取決 於它與現有社會政治結構的契合與衝突。 我們發現很多種社會政治結構發揮作用的方 式。首先,與現有國家制度的結合是一個重要 條件。由於非國家行為者對缺失的填補僭越了 國家的權力,因此填補缺失的措施以及新的規 定和結構能否獲得國家的認可就變得至關重 要。成功制度化的另一個條件是新的做法滲透 到現有的社會經濟結構中。新的做法與其他制 度和利益越早形成共生關係,成為永久性做法 的可能性就越大。同理,避免與現有利益相關 者發生直接的利益衝突,可以減少新做法制度 化的阻力。 吊詭的是,由非國家行為者來填補缺失固然能 解決一些問題,但經常也帶來一些新問題。在 很多發展中國家,並不缺少願意行使公共權力 的行為者。這些個人和機構行為者將填補缺失 視為進入公共領域的重要政治機會。結果是衍 生出不少政治代理人和行政代理人。公共權力 由此變得零散、重疊、模棱兩可,由各種不同 的機構和政治掮客來行使。這樣,一個缺失的 填補也導致了另一個缺失的出現。 Conditions of Void-Filling Since void-!lling requires the creation or modi!cation of institutional roles and rules to remedy dysfunction, the process necessarily results in institutional change. The existing debate about institutional change tends to polarise into functional versus political views of institutional change. The inquiry about institutional voids makes a contribution to this debate by avoiding such polarisation. Our analysis makes a distinction between proximate institutions and background institutions. Very often, the functional demand for new solutions may trigger off modi!cations to proximate institutions. However, a change in background institutions involves political and historical processes that are not necessarily related to any functional quest. The likelihood of a new practice being fully institutionalised as a regular set-up rather than an ad hoc solution will depend on its “mesh and clash” with the prevailing socio-political structure. We hypothesise a number of ways in which the broader socio-political structure plays a role. First and foremost, linkages with existing state institutions are an important condition. Since the !lling of voids by non-state actors trespasses the authority of the state, state sanction of void-!lling initiatives as well as the subsequent rati!cation of new rules and structures by the state is therefore instrumental. Another condition for successful institutionalization is the penetration of new practices into the existing socioeconomic structure. The sooner they establish a symbiotic relationship with other institutions and interests, the greater the chance of success that such practices will have in becoming a permanent set-up. Likewise, the avoidance of direct con"ict of interests with existing stakeholders will lower the resistance of the status quo in the institutionalization of new practices. Paradoxically, the !lling of voids by non-state actors resolves some problems but often at the price of creating new problems. In many developing countries, there is no shortage of actors who are eager to exercise public authority. These actors – be they individual or organisational – consider the !lling of voids important political opportunities for launching into the public sphere. The result is a proliferation of political and administrative brokerage. Public authority becomes an amalgam of fragmented, overlapping, and ambivalent powers exercised by a variety of institutions and political brokers. In this regard, the !lling of one void creates a new void. 51