
葛:健康科學學院代院長葛偉講座教授 | 澳:《澳大新語》 澳: FHS的定位是甚麼? 葛: FHS的定位是研究型學院,我們不會一開始就 要變成國際一流的學院,而是希望在不久的未 來能快速發展成一個有國際影響力、在本地和 鄰近地區具有重要地位的學院。 澳: FHS的發展有哪些優勢? 葛: 現代生物學和生物醫學研究在很大程度上倚賴於 大型設備以及最先進的技術平台,因此它對資金 和空間的要求非常高。除了常規實驗室之外, FHS在新校園將有一個3,000平方米的實驗動物 大樓,可以做一些前沿的醫學研究,這就是空間 硬件的優勢。另外一個優勢是資金,在資金配套 和研究方向方面,學校都給予了大力支持,這些 優勢令我們對學院未來的發展抱有極大的信心。 澳: FHS的研究集中哪些領域? 葛: FHS將成立五個研究中心,涵蓋學院的主要研 究領域,包括癌症、發育及衰老、分子醫學、 免疫學和傳染性疾病以及神經退化性疾病,這 幾個領域都是全球醫學研究的熱點。目前癌症 研究中心和生殖發育及衰老研究中心已經成 立,其它三個中心現正籌設中。FHS的本科和 研究生課程也會圍繞這五個方向發展。 澳: 癌症是FHS未來的重點研究項目嗎? 葛: 目前我們招聘的10位教員當中,將近一半都 是跟研究癌症有關,FHS將來的院長也是研究 癌症的專家,所以可以肯定地說,癌症是FHS 的重中之重。更長遠一點來看,我們希望在澳 大能夠成立包含基礎研究、臨床研究和最後臨 床治療的一條龍癌症中心,並希望能進一步爭 取成立專門研究癌症的國家重點實驗室,從而 全面提升澳大在這領域的研究水平。若日後澳 門、內地或鄰近地區的癌症患者在尋求治療時 首先想到澳門,那就是我們夢想實現的時候了。 G: Ge Wei, chair professor and interim dean of FHS | U: U: How does FHS position itself? G: FHS is a research-focused faculty. We don’t expect to become a world-class faculty overnight; we hope that in the near future we could develop into a faculty with international influence and an important status in Macao and in the neighbouring regions. U: What advantages does FHS have? G: Research in modern biology and biomedicine relies heavily on large equipment and state-of-the-art technologies. It also requires considerable investment and space. Apart from regular labs, we are going to have a 3,000m2 animal lab building on the new campus to conduct cutting-edge research. These are the advantages in space and facilities. Another advantage we have is funding. The university provides great support, in funding and in research direction. Because of these advantages, I am full of confidence in the faculty’s future development. U: What are FHS’s main research areas? G: We will establish five research centres, covering FHS’s main research areas, including cancer; reproduction, development and ageing; molecular medicine; immunology and infectious diseases; and neurodegenerative diseases. These are the hottest areas of research in the international medical community. The Cancer Centre and the Centre of Reproduction, Development and Ageing have already been established. Preparations for the establishment of the three other centres are underway. Our bachelor’s and postgraduate programmes will mainly focus on these five areas. U: Will cancer be FHS’s key research area in the future? G: Of the ten faculty members we’ve recruited so far, nearly half of them study cancer. The future dean of FHS is also an expert on cancer. So, yes, cancer is definitely going to be the most important key area. In the long run, we hope to establish a one-stop cancer centre at UM which integrates basic research, clinical research, and clinical treatment. We also hope to establish a state key lab that specialises in cancer research, to improve the university’s level of research in this area. Our dream is that one day cancer patients from Macao, mainland China and other neighbouring regions will think of Macao as their first choice. UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 9 封面故事.COVER STORY