
澳: FHS的教員主要來自哪裡? 葛: 新校園有優越的硬件環境,學校提供的資源也 很充裕,吸引了來自美國、英國、紐西蘭、新 加坡、韓國、香港等地教員,組成了相當國際 化的師資團隊。他們研究的領域都是全球性課 題,如癌症、公共衛生、愛滋病、老年癡呆等。 在招聘的人員當中,老中青都有,這種配置的 好處就是,讓年輕的教員可以從有經驗的同事 身上學習到如何設立實驗室、培養研究生以及 發表論文等。 澳: 短時間大量招聘教員有困難嗎? 葛: 除了教研,FHS未來最重要的任務之一就是招 聘新的教員。因為FHS是從零開始,學校給 我們的目標是五年內大概要招到60位教授, 即我們差不多以每年10至15位的速度招聘, 這是一個比較大規模、蠻艱鉅的任務。除了招 聘教員之外,我們還需要招聘大量的中層研究 人員及技術人員,譬如博士後研究員和有經驗 的實驗室技術員及研究助理,這類人才在澳門 相當缺乏,因此招聘起來難度較大。 澳: FHS將面對最大的挑戰是甚麼? 葛: 第一個挑戰是要招收到一流的研究生,到目前 為止,FHS所招收的研究生水平還是很高的, 但五年之後要達到大學要求的招收數百名博士 研究生的目標,這是非常艱鉅的任務,而更大 的挑戰是,我們還要保證所有研究生都有這麼 高質素水平。相信目前在香港各大學的任何一 個學院也難以達到這樣一個目標。另外,我們 還要吸引一流的博士後研究員來到澳大,這也 是一個很困難的事情。但無論如何,這是全院 努力的方向。總括而言,FHS前行的道路是曲 折的,但前途是光明的。 U: Where do FSH’s faculty members come from? G: Our faculty members come from around the world, including the United States, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, and Hong Kong. The excellent environment on the new campus and the generous resource support from the university are certainly a lure. Their research areas are all of international concern, such as cancer, public health, AIDS, and Alzheimer's disease. There are senior ones, middle-aged ones, and also young ones. The benefit of this composition is that young faculty members can learn from their senior colleagues, in how to set up a lab, how to train postgraduate students, and how to publish papers. U: Is it difficult to recruit so many faculty members in such a short time? G: Apart from teaching and research, one of our most important tasks in the future is to recruit more faculty members. FHS started from zero, and the university wants us to recruit 60 professors within five years, which means 10 to 15 every year. It is not easy. And apart from faculty members, we also need to recruit a large number of middle-level research and technical staff, such as post-doctoral fellows, experienced lab technicians, and research assistants. Macao is facing an acute shortage of these professionals, so it’s not easy. U: What is the biggest challenge for FHS? G: Our first challenge is to recruit first-rate PhD students. The students we’ve recruited so far are of very high quality, but it would be very difficult to meet the university’s requirement to recruit hundreds of PhD students within five years. A bigger challenge is to make sure that all the PhD students are of high quality. I think even universities in Hong Kong would find it hard to achieve that. Another challenge is that we need to attract first-rate post-doctoral fellows. But no matter how difficult, it is a goal we will work together to achieve. Overall, I think the road is tortuous, but the future is bright. UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 11 封面故事.COVER STORY