
UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 12 封面故事.COVER STORY 科技學院院長陳俊龍: 課程獲國際承認對學院發展具重大意義 澳門大學科技學院經過30年的經驗積累,在課程結 構、工程技術人才和創新科研領域取得了突飛猛進的 發展,研究論文的數量和質量更並駕齊驅──該院目 前是全校論文產量最多的學院,約佔總論文發表量的 一半,論文更達國際先進水平。土木工程理學士學 位、電機及電腦工程理學士學位、機電工程理學士學 位三個課程今年更獲得國際上最具權威的本科工程學 位資格互認協議──《華盛頓協議》成員的承認,意 味著科技學院學生在畢業時已獲得國際工程界職業能 力公認的國際要求,反映該院工程教育品質得到了國 際社會的認可。本文訪問了一手帶領科技學院取得國 際認證的陳俊龍院長,暢談該院課程如何通過《華盛 頓協議》異常嚴格的評審,及其對推動科技學院進一 步發展的重大意義。 UM's Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) has made remarkable progress over the past 30 years. It now ranks No. 1 among all the faculties at UM in terms of published papers, accounting for approximately 50 per cent of all published papers by UM. Earlier this year, three bachelor’s degree programmes offered by FST were recognised by the signatories to the Washington Accord, which is the most authoritative international accreditation agreement for undergraduate engineering degrees. The accreditation shows international recognition of the quality of engineering education at FST; it also means that students of the three programmes will be eligible to obtain professional qualifications in numerous signatories to the Washington Accord after graduation. In this article, we interview FST Dean Prof. Philip Chen, who has played an instrumental role in gaining the accreditation. Prof. Chen discusses how the three programmes passed extremely stringent evaluation by the Washington Accord, and what implications the accreditation has for FST’s future development. FST Dean Prof. Philip Chen: “International recognition of our programmes is of great significance.” 陳俊龍教授指學院未來更有信心培育頂尖 的科技精英 Prof. Chen is confident in FST’s ability to nurture exemplary students in science and technology