
澳門特區政府社會文化司司長張裕(左六)恭賀澳大課程獲《華盛頓協議》成員承認,他表示由此證明澳大持續優化教學質素的努力已得到國際的肯定。 Cheong U (6th from left), secretary for social affairs and culture of Macao SAR, congratulates UM on three programmes being recognised by signatories to the Washington Accord, saying it shows UM’s effort in enhancing its teaching and research is beginning to pay off. UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 13 封面故事.COVER STORY 優質課程提升學生競爭力 記者踏入位於澳大舊校園的科技學院院長辦公室,陳教授 即伸出雙手熱情歡迎。辦公室不到300平方尺,各處堆滿 了文件,幾乎把所有空間佔據,他有點不好意思地說:「地 方很少,東西很多,但學院即將陸續搬到新校園,屆時無 論辦公室環境、課室和研究空間都比現在的寬闊很多。」 陳教授在2010年1月出任科技學院院長前已是一位譽滿 國際的計算機智能系統研究專家,擁有20多年的專業經 驗。前年更成為大中華首位擔任IEEE系統人機及智能自動 學會主席的現職學者,目前也是系統人機及智能自動學會 的期刊主編。 科技學院是由土木及環境工程系、電腦及資訊科學系、電 機及電腦工程系、機電工程系、數學系所組成的學院。陳 院長表示,「學院一直致力為學生提供優質的課程,亦非 常重視與社會各界的科技機構和學術單位交流合作,務求 令學生在大學所學習到的專業知識能切合現今社會實際需 要,亦使學生的專業技能得到普遍的認同。這不單提升學 生的市場競爭力,也為社會發展培育所需人才,使學院成 為澳門科技及工程發展的教育中心。」 Offering Quality Programmes to Increase Students’ Competitiveness Hardly had we entered his office when Prof. Chen extended both his hands in warm welcome. Less than 300 square feet in size, his office was overflowing with documents. “Not enough space, but lots of stuff,” Prof. Chen smiled, a little embarrassed about the mess. “FST will start moving onto the new campus next week, and then we will have bigger offices, classrooms, and research facilities.” When Prof. Chen joined UM in January 2010 as the dean of FST, he was already a world-renowned expert on computational intelligence and intelligent systems with more than 20 years of professional experience. He was the first active scholar from the Greater China region to be elected president of the Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society (SMC) of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). He is also the editor-in-chief of the IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems. FST is committed to offering quality programmes through its five departments: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Department of Computer and Information Science, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Department of Electromechanical Engineering, and Department of Mathematics. “Apart from offering quality programmes, we also value exchange and collaboration with institutions for science, technology and engineering, to make sure that the technical expertise students acquire through our programmes meet the needs of society,” Prof. Chen said. “It helps to increase our students’ competitiveness on the job market, and also we hope that through nurturing graduates that meet society’s needs, we can develop FST into a local education centre in science, technology and engineering.”