
UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 15 封面故事.COVER STORY 科技學院的三個理學士學位課程皆達到《華盛頓協 議》的標準,是國際協議上的一個新突破。畢業生將 可申請成為香港工程師學會的畢業生會員,參加學會的 工程畢業生培訓計劃,從而考取正會員資格,與國際接 軌的正會員資格達到國際專業工程師協議及亞太工程師 的標準,並享有22個專業資格互認協議的權利。 工商管理學院的理學士學位(會計學──專業會 計)及(會計學──會計與資訊系統)課程的畢業 生可獲澳洲會計師公會(CPA Australia)豁免部份 考試科目。理學士學位(會計學──專業會計)課 程同時獲香港會計師公會(HKICPA)認可,畢業 生可直接報讀專業資格課程。此外,財務學理學士 學位課程也入選享譽國際的投資行業專業團體特許 財務分析師協會(CFAI)大學課程認可計劃,成為 該計劃中亞太地區首個得到CFAI 認可的課程。全 球的投資專家、學者及其他特許財務分析師協會會 員可透過CFAI 得知澳大財務學理學士學位課程的 專業資格,從而加強相關畢業生的就業競爭力。 澳大課程獲得國際承認對大學來說意義重大,證明 澳大的學術和教學達到國際水平,加速澳大邁向一 流大學的目標,同時也肯定了澳大精品本科教育和 優秀師資團隊的教學理念。 《華盛頓協議》成員包括美國、英國、加拿大、愛爾蘭、澳大利亞、紐西蘭、中國香港、南非、日本、新加坡、台北、韓國、馬來西 亞、土耳其、俄羅斯等15個正式成員,以及孟加拉、中國、印度、巴基斯坦、斯里蘭卡、菲律賓六個預備成員。 Signatories to the Washington Accord include the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong China, South Africa, Japan, Singapore, Taipei, South Korea, Malaysia, Turkey, and Russia. Countries that have provisional signatory status include Bangladesh, China, India, Pakistan, Sir Lanka, and the Philippines. 對於學院未來的發展,陳院長滿懷期待地說:「搬到 新校園後,科技學院將增設更多實驗室與實驗器材, 這對教學質量的提升提供了紮實的硬件條件。同時, 更大的辦校空間也意味著有機會招收更多高質量、有 研究精神的研究生來推動大學的研究發展。」 an international accreditation alliance that accredits Computer and Information Science programmes—this summer. Prof. Chen is full of confidence in FST’s future. “After we move onto the new campus, FST will have more labs and lab equipment, and this will provide favourable conditions for us to further enhance our teaching,” Prof. Chen says. “More space also means we will be able to recruit more high-quality, research-minded postgraduates to promote research development at the university.” Three bachelor’s degree programmes offered by FST have been recognised by the signatories to the Washington Accord. Graduates of the three programmes will be eligible to obtain professional qualifications in numerous signatories to the Washington Accord. They will also be eligible to become Corporate Member by participating in the engineering graduate training scheme “A” as a Graduate Member of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers. The Corporate Member can enjoy recognition under two international engineering agreements (the International Professional Engineers Agreement, and the APEC Engineer Agreement) and 22 qualification accreditation agreements. Graduates of the Faculty of Business Administration’s (FBA) Bachelor of Science (Accounting—Professional Accountancy) programme and Bachelor of Science (Accounting—Accounting and Information Management) programme can gain exemptions from CPA Australia’s examinations in some subjects. The Bachelor of Science (Accounting— Professional Accountancy) programme has also gained recognition from the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA). Graduates of this programme can directly apply for professional qualification programmes. The Bachelor of Science in Finance programme has become the first programme in the Asia-Pacific region to be recognised under the University Recognition Program of CFA Institute, which is a world-renowned global association of investment professionals. This gives graduates of this programme a competitive edge as investment experts, scholars, and other members of the institute from around the world can see the recognition on the CFA Institute’s website. The fact that some of UM’s academic programmes have gained international recognition is of great significance. It shows that UM has reached international standards in some aspects of teaching. In addition to providing fresh momentum for the university to progress towards a world-class institution, it also proves that UM’s commitment to providing quality undergraduate education and building an outstanding faculty team is beginning to pay off. 課程獲國際承認 International Recognition of Academic Programmes