
我的諾貝爾之路── 楊振寧專訪 My Road to the Nobel Prize– Interview with Chen Ning Yang 文 Text │呂莉莉 Lis Loi 筆錄 Transcription│校園記者高紅 UM Reporter Elisa Gao 圖 Photo│李思 Manuel Reis 「那時物理學家們的處境曾被描述為一個被關在黑屋 子中的人。他知道在某一個方向一定有一個門可以走 出去,但是這個門在哪個方向呢?」在其自傳裡,楊 振寧這麼描述著。曾在這個黑屋子裡摸索的他,不斷 的碰撞、討論和思考。1957年,楊振寧和李政道解 開了物理學界之謎,打破當時奉為圭臬的「宇稱守恆 理論」,發現並提出「宇稱不守恆」,繼而成為最早 得到諾貝爾獎的華人物理學家之一。2014年2月, 楊振寧教授到訪澳門大學,以《我的學習與研究經 驗》為題,和觀眾分享他的諾貝爾之路,講座一票難 求。在講座前一天,《澳大新語》獨家約訪楊振寧教 授,請他分享:在這條諾貝爾之路上,大學究竟佔了 甚麼角色? “The situation the physicists found themselves in at that time was like a person being locked in a pitch-black room, where he knew with certainty that there was a door somewhere that would lead him out, if only he knew the right direction; but which was the right direction?” Like the physicists described in his autobiography, Chen Ning Yang was once fumbling in this pitch-black room, bumping his head again and again while trying to figure out the right direction. In 1957, Chen Ning Yang and Tsung-Dao Lee discovered that “parity conservation,” which until then was believed to be one of the fundamental geometric conservation laws that applied to all events, did not hold true in some cases, and they proposed the idea of “parity non-conservation” and suggested experiments to test their hypothesis. Because of their “penetrating investigation of the so-called parity laws which has led to important discoveries regarding the elementary particles”, they became the first two Chinese to receive the Nobel Prize in Physics. In February 2014, Prof. Yang visited the University of Macau to give a lecture entitled “My Experience as Student and Researcher”, in which he shared his road to winning the Nobel Prize. On the day prior to the lecture, Prof. Yang gave an exclusive interview to umagazine to talk about the role his university education played in winning the Nobel Prize. UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 16 人物專訪.INTERVIEW