
楊:楊振寧 | 澳:《澳大新語》 澳: 你在普林斯頓待了17年,這17年有你所說 的「興趣→準備工作→突破口」的經歷,其中 你有厭倦過嗎?會累和辛苦嗎? 楊: 做我們這種研究工作的,沒有覺得累的觀念, 原因是我們所發生興趣的題目,常常有它引人 入勝的地方,所以是興趣驅使我們去研究,研 究不一定成功,可是並不覺得苦。有些運動員 訓練的時候,要花很大的毅力,做科學研究工 作沒有這個現象。通常都是有很大的興趣,這 個興趣有很大的吸引力,所以沒有覺得有很困 惑的情形。當然你有一個觀念,想了半天,做 了一些研究和計算,可是不成功,當然有點沮 喪,可這不是一種痛苦。 澳: 那在研究生活裡,你覺得最沮喪的是甚麼? 楊: 我覺得最使得一個研究人員沮喪的,就是他有 一個問題,總是左衝右突都不能突圍。比如 在1956年,那時我們這個領域的前沿研究人 員,都在搞一個問題叫θ-τ之謎,關於宇稱 守恆的問題。我們當時覺得自己是在一個黑屋 子裡,這個黑屋子裡頭我們不知道向哪個方向 去摸索,在這個黑屋子牆上找一個門。當時最 困擾的是,在黑屋子裡,你不知道是向前向 後向左向右,這是困擾的,不過我想,並沒有 Y: Chen Ning Yang | U: U: You stayed at Princeton for 17 years, where you experienced, as you once put it, a three-step process, “interest→preparation →breakthrough”. Did you ever get tired, physically and mentally? Y: Doing the kind of research that we do, “tired” is a word that never crosses our minds, because the subjects that interest us often have something fascinating about them. In other words, we are driven by our interests, so even if we don’t always succeed, we never get tired. For some athletes, they need to consciously use their willpower to persevere through the training, but it’s not the case with scientific research. Those who are engaged in scientific research often are greatly interested in what they do, and the interest itself is an enormous pull, so you don’t get tired or confused. Of course, sometimes when you have an idea, you rack your brains, do some research and calculations, but end up not getting anywhere, you could feel a little frustrated, but I wouldn’t say that’s a painful process. U: What’s the most frustrating thing for a researcher? Y: I think the most frustrating thing for a researcher is if he has a problem but just can’t solve it no matter if he tackles it from left or right. For example, in 1956, all the leading researchers in our field were trying to solve the “θ-τ puzzle”. At that time we felt like we were in a pitch-black room, and we knew there was a door somewhere, but we didn’t know which direction to go. In a dark room, you don’t know if you should go forward, backward, to the left or right, and that’s the most frustrating thing, but again, I wouldn’t say that was a painful experience. Sometimes, after thinking for a whole day, maybe I would decide to try right, and so 楊振寧在澳門大學舉辦的分享講座一票難求 Chen Ning Yang gives a lecture to a full house UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 17 人物專訪.INTERVIEW