
楊振寧教授接受《澳大新語》專訪 Chen Ning Yang gives an exclusive interview to umagazine 澳: 實驗物理和理論物理學家思考的方式不一樣, 在合作上是否會有困難? 楊: 大家的經驗不一樣,當然會有困難。而且大家 的價值觀也不一樣,更會加深困難。 澳: 你曾說過,在西南聯大跟同學的討論,奠下了 你對物理的熱情以及討論方式,能否分享? 楊: 如果對於基本的問題發生了疑問的話,尤其是 非常基本的問題,這個時候辯論是最激烈的, 就好像是國家跟國家之間發生爭吵的話,小事 情就算了,大事情不能夠這麼就放棄。讀書的 時候,對難懂的東西最好跟同學辯論,這是我 的經驗。 U: Experimental physicists and theoretical physicists have different ways of thinking. Will this pose any difficulty for their collaboration? Y: Different people have different experience, which will of course make collaboration a little difficult. Besides, different people have different values, which will make collaboration even more difficult. U: You once said, debating questions with your classmates at the National Southwest Associated University(NSAU) fuelled your passion for physics and deeply influenced your way of discussing questions. Could you talk a little bit about this? Y: The most intense debates tend to be about fundamental issues. It’s like two countries having an altercation. If it’s about something inconsequential, maybe you could just let it go, but you can’t give up just like that with big issues. My experience is that if you are a student and you have difficulty understanding something, it’s better to discuss or even debate with your classmates. UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 19 人物專訪.INTERVIEW