
在《我的學習與研究經歷》講座 前,楊振寧和來自澳門和珠海的 大專生交流,勉勵學子。 Chen Ning Yang chats with students from Macao and Zhuhai before his lecture “My Experience as Student and Researcher” 澳: 在你求學的生涯中,大學佔了一個甚麼樣的角 色呢? 楊: 我在西南聯大唸書的時候,學了很多物理學的 基本原理,西南聯大的物理課程教得非常認 真,也非常紮實,這給了我一個很紮實的基 礎,就好像是蓋房子,在地基上打了很多樁, 弄得很整齊。到了芝加哥大學以後,發現芝加 哥物理系的風氣跟這個完全不一樣:他們所感 興趣的,不是過去的已經成經典的物理學知 識,而是一些新的現象。我既得到了西南聯大 的教育好處,又得到了芝加哥大學研究氛圍的 好處,兩個大學都在我的一生中起了極重要的 作用。 澳: 你說芝加哥大學是重要啟蒙者,那你在西南聯 大的地基是否也很重要? 楊: 當然。我有很多芝加哥大學的美國同學,他們 沒有我在西南聯大所累積下來的很好的很紮實 的基礎,所以學習沒有我快。 澳: 比較國內外的學校,國外學校會比較提倡同學 之間多討論,但國內學校則傾向上課紮實,鼓 勵學生多唸書。你認為對學生來說,怎樣才算 是一間好的大學? 楊: 從一個學生的立場講起,如果他去一個學校, 這個學校能把他引導到一個方向,這個方向將 來大大有發展,而又很適合他做,這個就是好 的學校。假如把他引到越走越困難的方向,那 U: What role have your universities played in your life as a student? Y: I learned a lot of basic physics theories at NSAU. The physics programme was very strong and very well taught at NSAU. The university put a lot of thought and effort in the teaching of physics. That gave me a solid grounding in physics. It’s like building a house—first you need to drive sufficient piles into the soil to provide foundation support. After I went to the University of Chicago, I found that the ethos in the physics department there was completely different from that of NSAU. The University of Chicago was more interested in new phenomena than in classic knowledge of physics. I have benefitted both from the solid teaching at NSAU and from the good research atmosphere at the University of Chicago. So these two universities have played an extremely important role in my life. U: You said that the University of Chicago is like an important mentor to you. What about the solid grounding NSAU gave you? Is that also very important? Y: Yes of course. I had many American classmates at the University of Chicago, and they didn’t learn as fast as I did, because they didn’t have a solid foundation like me. U: Chinese universities tend to focus on teaching and encourage students to read more, while universities in Western countries tend to encourage peer discussion. What kind of university do you think is good for the students? Y: From a student’s point of view, if the school can lead him or her in a direction that has enormous potential and suits the student, then it’s a good school. Conversely, if a school leads the student in a direction that turns out to be more and more difficult, then it’s not a good school. Of course, a student might ask, UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 20 人物專訪.INTERVIEW