
楊振寧 1957年獲諾貝爾物理學獎。生於中國安徽,中學時因一本《神秘的 宇宙》而開啟他對物理的探索。於中國西南聯合大學研究所畢業後, 赴美深造,分別於芝加哥大學和普林斯頓大學進行研究工作,後長期 執教紐約州立大學石溪分校。楊於統計物理、粒子物理及量子場等領 域成就斐然,除其著名的「宇稱不守恆」理論外,他與羅伯特‧米 爾斯提出的楊-米爾斯理論,對基礎物理學具有深遠影響。 如果他去一個學校,這個學校能把他 引導到一個方向,這個方向將來大大有 發展,而又很適合他做,這個就是好 的學校。 if the school can lead him or her in a direction that has enormous potential and suits the student, then it’s a good school. About Chen Ning Yang Chen Ning Yang shared the 1957 Nobel Prize in Physics with his longtime collaborator Tsung-Dao Lee. They were the first two Chinese to win the Nobel Prize. Born in Anhui province, China, Chen Ning Yang’s interest in physics was kindled by The Mysterious Universe, a book he read in middle school. After graduating from the National Southwest Associated University, he went to the United States to pursue further studies. After graduation he carried out research work at the University of Chicago and Princeton University. Later he taught at the State University of New York at Stony Brook for more than three decades. He has made significant contributions to various fields of physics, including statistical physics, condensed matter physics, quantum field theory, and mathematical physics. In addition to the famous “parity non-conservation”, he also proposed the Yang-Mills theory with Robert Mills, which has had a profound impact on basic physics. 麼這個學校就是不好的。當然他就會問,我怎 樣才知道一個學校是符合這樣的條件呢?這個 問題無法有好回答,不過報名入學前必須瞭解 學校的過去教學成績。 澳: 一間學校要達到這樣的 目的的話,是否要透過 優秀老師對學生做到好 的引導呢? 楊: 對!這個非常重要,在 科學的前沿也好,社會 科學前沿也好,一個系 的系主任還有系裡的元老,就要看清楚了這個 系、看清楚了哪幾個領域會有發展,就向這些 發展,就引進這些領域的優秀老師。那麼這個 系在之後的五年、10年就靠這個方向的發展 而變成了一個非常重要的系。假如這個系的主 任和元老,對這個選擇做了不正確的決定,選 擇了一個沒有前途的,那麼對整個系的發展, 以及這個系裡年輕學生的發展,都是不利的。 how do I know if a school meets this criterion? There can’t be any satisfactory answer to this question, but before applying, a student must know the school’s track record in teaching. U: So does it mean that if a school wants to fulfil this purpose, it needs to have outstanding teachers to provide good guidance to the students? Y: Yes, and this is very important, whether for science or social sciences. The head and veteran professors of a department must be able to identify the most promising areas for their department, and then they should focus on these areas and recruit the best teachers in these areas. If they can do this, in about five to ten years, their department is likely to become an influential department in these areas. Conversely, if the department head and the veteran professors make a wrong decision and focus on an area with no future, it would have a detrimental effect on the department and the students. UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 21 人物專訪.INTERVIEW