
儘管現今網絡的發展提供了人們求得知識和資訊 的渠道,但斯蒂格利茨提醒,在世界上有很多窮 困的人無法上網,例如在中國偏遠的農村地區, 要上網並不容易。 當教育也成為社會階級流動的門檻時,教育機構該 如何努力消弭這道門檻,並提供相對平等的機會 呢?斯蒂格利茨表示,高等教育機構可提供獎助學 金及公共教育等,讓弱勢族群也能有平等機會接受 優秀高等教育。 目前澳門政府設有免費的中小學教育和學習津貼,澳 門大學等高等教育機構亦設有各項獎助學金,以保證 年輕人的受教育權利。但斯蒂格利茨提醒,能接受優 質教育,是一件非常幸運的事,是政府和社會為年輕 一代的未來所做的投資,是一份禮物,望學生能夠銘 感於心,日後回報社會。 斯蒂格利茨勉勵澳大學子:「年輕人在為自己的幸福 和前途努力的同時,亦應積極主動回饋社會,更應明 白不是人人都能擁有同等的受教育機會,所以應盡己 所能,幫助弱勢社群。」 of the major sources of inequality are differences in access to higher education,” Prof. Stiglitz said. While the internet has been very important in making knowledge accesssible, Prof. Stiglitz pointed out that many poor people around the world, including those in remote rural areas of China, do not have access to the internet. So what can we do to provide relatively equal opportunities? Prof. Stiglitz suggested that universities should provide scholarships, and governments should make public education available, to ensure that disadvantaged groups also have equal access to quality education. Macao seems to do a relatively good job of providing scholarships and public education. The Macao SAR government provides free education until the end of high school as well as subsidies for students. Local universities including UM also provide various kinds of scholarships to make sure that young people have equal opportunities to receive education. “Having access to good education is really a privilege,” said Prof. Stiglitz. “It’s a gift that society and the government invested in young people’s future. Hopefully the students will return that investment.” “Too often, there is a focus on just increasing their own sense of well-being,” said Prof Stiglitz. “But it’s important for them to contribute to the community, to realise that not everybody has had that same opportunity, and to make sure that those who have been disadvantaged can get a helping hand.” 約瑟夫‧斯蒂格利茨 諾貝爾經濟學獎得主、當代具影響力的經濟學家之一。曾任世界銀 行副總裁與首席經濟學家,並曾任教於普林斯頓大學、史丹福大學、 麻省理工等知名學府,目前任教於哥倫比亞大學。其研究對宏觀經 濟學、公共部門經濟學等領域貢獻良多,並以對全球化的管理以及 自由市場經濟學家的批判著稱。 About Joseph E. Stiglitz Prof. Joseph E. Stiglitz is a Nobel laureate in economics and one of the most influential economists of our time. He is the former senior vice president and chief economist of the World Bank. Prof. Stiglitz has taught at several renowned universities including Princeton University, Stanford University, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is now University Professor at Columbia University. He has made major contributions to numerous areas of economics, including macroeconomics and economics of the public sector. He is known for his critical view of the management of globalisation and free-market economists. UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 25 人物專訪.INTERVIEW