
「小時候/鄉愁是一枚小小的郵票/我在這頭,母親 在那頭/長大後,鄉愁是一張窄窄的船票/我在這 頭,新娘在那頭⋯⋯」 這首廣為流傳的詩作使詩人和散文家余光中的名 字聞名世界。 余光中,一生從事詩歌、散文、評論、翻譯這「四度 空間」的寫作,現已出版詩集、散文集、評論集、翻 譯等50多種。余光中喜歡旅行,足跡遍及世界各地, 詩歌的靈感也隨著他的足跡湧發。2013年12月, 余光中來到澳門大學,接受由澳大頒發的榮譽博士學 位。當時他以《靈感一大來源——論藝術經驗之轉 化》為題,為澳大師生及澳門的文學愛好者奉獻了一 個豐盛的文化大餐。當日熱烈而火爆的場面至今讓人 久久難忘;而那些未能擠進講堂聆聽講座的人們更是 叫苦不已、遺憾之聲不絕於耳。 君子有成人之美之心,就在大家還為去年錯失余光中 的講演而惋惜時,今年三月他再次應邀至澳,並成為 澳大駐校作家,和澳門開始一個月的「蜜月」之旅, 這個消息無疑讓澳門的春天更加美麗而溫暖。在「蜜 月」開始之初,余先生就以《旅遊與文化》為大家奉 獻了自己幾十年來的經驗心得,並舉辦了詩歌朗誦會 和大家一起讀詩、品詩,共同感受詩歌的魅力,澳大 學生看到了一個更加真實、風趣的文學家。 《澳大新語》有幸能專訪余光中先生,讓讀者更深入 地了解這位文學大師。 When I was a child, my homesickness was a tiny stamp, linking my mother at the other end and me this. When I grew up, my homesickness became a ticket, by which I sailed to and from my bride… This is an excerpt from “Homesick”, the most widely-circulated poem by the Chinese-speaking world’s best-known poet and prose writer Yu Kwang Chung. Yu has published more than 50 titles in what he describes as the “four dimensions” his works cover—poetry, prose, criticism, and translation. In writing he loves to travel across these different dimensions, and in life he also loves to travel. His love of travel has taken him around the world and has served as a constant wellspring of inspiration for his poetry. In December 2013, he visited the University of Macau (UM) to receive an honorary doctorate. Later he gave a talk entitled “A Major Source of Inspiration—On the Transformation of Artistic Experience” in a jam-packed auditorium—so packed, in fact, that even the aisles were overflowing. Those latecomers who tried unsuccessfully to squeeze into the hall were left sighing outside as the door closed unsympathetically on a cultural feast that was too good to be missed by any literature lover. As if to make it up to those who had missed his earlier talk, Yu came back this March, this time as a writer in residence at UM. The news that Yu was going to stay in Macao for an entire month was like a welcome warm spring breeze, announcing the start of a “honeymoon” for those in love with his works. The “honeymoon” opened with a talk on “Travel and Culture”, in which he shared his life experience, and a poetry reading, where he read poetry with the students. These face-to-face interactions gave the students a chance to see a more intimate and humorous side of Yu, and for those who have never met Yu in person, we hope our exclusive interview for this issue of umagazine might give them a deeper understanding of this literary master as well. 余光中教授和學生合影 Prof. Yu Kwang Chung with the students UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 27 人物專訪.INTERVIEW