
Summer/Autumn 2014 << Issue 10 第十期 >> 目錄 Contents 封面故事 Cover Story 探索新領域 澳大研究潛力無限 Exploring New Possibilities for Research 專訪 Interview 我的諾貝爾之路──楊振寧專訪 My Road to the Nobel Prize–Interview with Chen Ning Yang 機會之門為誰而開?諾貝爾獎得主斯蒂格利茨談不平等的代價 The Door of Opportunity–For Whom Does It Open? Nobel Laureate Joseph E. Stiglitz on the Price of Inequality 靈感和文學──鄉愁詩人余光中 Inspiration and Literature–Interview with Poet Yu Kwang Chung 新校園專題 New Campus Feature 以人為本 新校園創建良好育人環境 Creating a Good Learning Environment through a People-oriented New Campus 專題 Features 在優化教與學的路上 On the Road to Enhancing Teaching and Learning 服務中學習,給予中成長──學生志願者走出象牙塔 Learn through Serving, Grow through Giving–The World outside the Ivory Tower 學院專欄 Faculty Column 當科學遇見社會秩序與公正──澳大的獨特學科 Where Science Meets Social Order and Justice–A Unique Programme at UM 「毒咬」之藥:來自大自然的巡航導彈 Drugs with "Monster" Bite: Nature's Cruise Missiles 02 16 22 26 36 42 48 54 61 UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 1 人物專訪.INTERVIEW