
澳: 漢語新詩在世界文學格局中,如何獲得較高的 地位,較廣泛的影響?您對漢語新詩獲諾貝爾 文學獎的可能性如何理解? 余: 現在漢語新詩在國際上的地位還不很高,也不 普及。漢語詩歌在國際上的地位不是一定的。 比如中國古典詩歌就有漢學家們在研究,並列 入了中國文學的課程。漢語新詩就是「五四」 以來的白話漢詩,發展了還不到100年的時 間,100年放在文學史上來看是很短的。如今 在英語霸權當道的現實條件下,中文作為世界 三大語言之一,在西方有3,000萬人在學,實 際上還不算多,因此漢語的使用也談不上廣。 隨著華文的傳播,可能漢語新詩會越來越被認 識,傳播得也會更廣些。 至於諾貝爾文學獎之所以備受矚目,是因為 這個獎宣傳性大,是由瑞典王室舉辦,因而 顯得更隆重,不像由政府舉辦的獎項,會鼓 吹政治意義。即便是這樣,我認為這個獎仍 然是「西方文學獎」,而不是「世界文學獎」。 我們必須意識到漢語翻譯成英文是非常困難 的,不像其他歐洲語系、拉丁語系等,相互 轉換起來比較容易。泰戈爾之所以獲得諾貝 爾文學獎,很大一部份原因是他用英文寫作。 所以我們對於諾貝爾文學獎不必太在意,不 要一廂情願地去提倡並奉為唯一標準。 U: How can “new Hanyu poetry” have a higher standing and a wider influence on the international literary scene? What’s your take on the chances of “new Hanyu poetry” winning the Nobel Prize? Y: The international standing of “new Hanyu poetry” is yet to be improved, and it has yet to reach a wider audience. The international standing of “new Hanyu poetry” needs to be understood in context. Take classical Chinese poetry. Some sinologists are studying classical Chinese poetry, and some of the classical poems have been included in the curriculum for Chinese literature students. When we say “new Hanyu poetry”, we mean poetry written in vernacular Chinese which emerged after the May Fourth Movement. So it’s been barely 100 years, which is a very short period in the long literary history. Chinese is one of the three major languages in the world, and currently about 30 million people in the West are learning Chinese, which is actually not so many, and the fact remains that today’s world is under the hegemony of the English language, and so we really can’t say that Hanyu is being used extensively. I think maybe as more and more people start to learn the language, “new Hanyu poetry" will reach a wider audience. About Nobel Prize—I think the reason why it has received so much attention is because first, there have been a lot of promotions, and second, it is organised by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, which makes it look more grand and prestigious, because unlike awards organised by governments, it doesn’t seem to carry as much political undertone. But even so, I still think that Nobel Prize is just a “Western literary prize”, not a “world literary prize”. We have to remember that unlike translation between different European languages or Latin languages, which is relatively easy, it is very difficult to translate Hanyu into English. A major reason Tagore won the Nobel Prize in Literature is because he wrote in English. So we needn’t care too much about Nobel Prize. We shouldn’t put it on a pedestal and regard it as the sole standard, because it’s not. 澳大校長趙偉(右)向余光中致送紀念品 UM Rector Wei Zhao (right) presents a souvenir to Yu Kwang Chung UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 29 人物專訪.INTERVIEW