
U: UM proposed the concepts of “new Hanyu literature” and “new Hanyu poetry”, hoping to eliminate the boundaries between “centre” and “periphery” and integrate modern and contemporary literature; Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao literature; as well as overseas Huayu literature. What’s your opinion on this? Y: I agree—but only up to a point. I think it could indeed help with integration in terms of teaching and research—it could help to eliminate the boundaries between “centre” and “periphery” and gives one a complete picture where research is concerned. But I don’t think it’s a very good idea to use these concepts in our everyday life. We use the term “Hanyu” to distinguish it from languages used by ethnic minority groups in China, such as Huiyu [editor’s note: the language of the Hui ethnic minority group], and Zangyu [editor’s note: the language of the Tibetan ethnic minority group]. The language spoken outside of China is referred to as “Huayu”, while the one people in China use in their everyday life is called “Putonghua”. “Huayu” doesn’t have any political undertone, and it can be used throughout the world. So if these concepts are only to be used in academic research, that’s fine—actually it makes a lot of sense; but I don’t think we should use them in our everyday life. Even Hu Shih, when advocating the creation of new forms of literature, merely proposed “a literature of the national language, a national language of the literature.” U: What’s your impression of UM’s new campus? Y: I’ve seen the new campus. It has very good teaching and residential facilities, with beautiful surroundings, which will make teaching and event organisation very convenient. I hope UM teachers and students seize the opportunity and treasure the new campus and work together to help the university scale new heights. 澳: 漢語新文學、漢語新詩是澳大提出的概念,它 可以將現當代文學、台港澳文學、海外華文文 學一體化,不分中心邊緣。對此,您有怎樣的 評價? 余: 這種提法在教學、研究方面確實有較強的整合 力,有利於消除中心和邊緣的界限,全面地把 握研究狀況。但是我並不都認可,因為在習慣 上,和漢語相對應的是回語、藏語等。不在中 國使用的往往才稱為「華語」,而在國內日常 生活中用則稱為「普通話」。「華語」不會產 生政治聯想,華文則可以在全世界用。所以如 果是在學術研究方面使用我沒有什麽意見,並 覺得這種提法很有道理,但是在日常使用中則 不十分贊同。尤其是在新文學開創時期,胡適 也只是提出「國語的文學,文學的國語」。 澳: 您對澳大新校園有什麼印象? 余: 看到澳大新校園,那裡不僅有配套完善的教學 設施,住宿條件及周邊環境也非常好,為教師 教課、學生組織社團活動提供了很多便利。希 望澳大師生都能好好珍惜,把握這個機會,一 起推動澳大邁向更高的層次。 余光中教授於澳大談靈感來源 Prof. Yu Kwang Chung talks about his source of inspiration UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 30 人物專訪.INTERVIEW