
旅行與文化 「夫天地者,萬物之逆旅;光陰者,百代之過客。」 (李白《春夜宴桃李園序》) 旅行是語言的翻譯,翻譯是語 言的旅行,兩者之間有一種形 而上的相通。古今中外的大文 學家們,無不注重旅行的意 義。只有這樣,才能深入認識 不同地區的歷史文化與風土人 情,從而開拓視野,豐富個人 知識。 在工作坊中,余光中向學生介紹了中外文學藝術中對行 旅的關注和表達,並以此開啟旅行在時間和空間轉換中 與人生旅途之關係。從西方的《奧德賽》、《出埃及 記》、《堂吉訶德》,到東方的《大唐西域記》、《西 遊記》、《徐霞客遊記》,他細數中西文學中著名的遊 記,既看到遊記本身的價值,更引導學生意會到這些遊 記後來都變成了象徵,是人類存在方式的各種表達。 早年余光中便曾遠赴歐洲大陸暢遊學習,他藉此勉勵 學子,每一個人都有旅行,每一段旅行都有與之相關 的文化,要從一點一滴裡學會感悟。 Travel and Culture “The universe is a temporary inn for all living things. Time is the transit visitors over the span of one hundred generations” ( “Preface to the Feast in Peach and Plum Garden on a Spring Night” by Li Bai2). Travel is the translation of languages, and translation is the travel of languages. There is a metaphysical connection between the two. Literary masters across the world, from ancient times to the modern day, have all understood the value of travel—only through travel can one gain a deep understanding of the histories, cultures and customs of different places, thereby broadening one’s horizons and enriching one’s knowledge. At the workshop, Yu introduced students to famous literary works with travel as the main theme, from Western works like Odyssey, Exodus, and Don Quijote de la Mancha, to Eastern ones such as Journey to the West, Journey to the West in the Great Tang Dynasty, and Xu Xiake’s Travel Diary. He explained how travel, in its temporal and spatial changes, is similar to life’s journey. While helping students to see the value of the travel diaries in these works, he also explained how these travel diaries later became symbols, or rather, ways of expressing human existence. Yu talked about his travels in Europe when he was young, noting that everyone travels, and each travel allows one to experience a culture unique to that journey. He encouraged the students to take in each moment while travelling and stay open to what these little moments have to teach. 余光中 著名詩人、散文家、評論家、翻譯家、編輯人。先後就讀於金陵大學、廈 門大學;1950年赴台,畢業於台灣大學外文系。赴美進修,獲愛荷華州 立大學藝術碩士學位。先後任台灣師範大學、政治大學及香港中文大學教 授,又任台灣中山大學文學院院長、現為該校的光華講座教授,在海峽兩 岸四地及亞歐美各地講學或任客座教授;為香港中文大學、台灣中山大學、 澳門大學等校榮譽博士,北京大學駐校詩人。今年應邀擔任澳門大學「文 學藝術家駐校計劃」駐校作家。著譯有《白玉苦瓜》、《逍遙遊》、《梵 谷傳》等數十種。 About Yu Kwang Chung Yu Kwang Chung is a renowned poet, prose writer, critic, translator, and editor. He first studied at the Private University of Nanking and then transferred to the University of Amoy (now known as Xiamen University). He went to Taiwan in 1950. After graduating from Taiwan University’s Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, he went to the United States where he later received a master’s degree in fine arts from Iowa State University. He was professor at Taiwan Normal University, Chengchi University, and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He was the dean of the College of Liberal Arts at Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan, and is currently its Kung Hua Chair Professor. He has given lectures and served as visiting professor at numerous Asian, European and American universities. He has received honorary doctorates from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Sun Yat-sen University (Taiwan), and UM. He is a poet in residence at Peking University. This year he became a writer in residence at UM under the Writers-and-Artists-in-Residence Programme. He has published more than 50 titles, including a poetry collection White Jade Bitter Guard, a prose collection Untrammeled Traveler, and a translated work, Lust for Life, which is a fictional biography of artist Vincent Van Gogh. 旅行是語言的翻譯,翻譯是語言的旅 行,兩者之間有一種形而上的相通。 Travel is the translation of languages, and translation is the travel of languages. There is a metaphysical connection between the two. Notes: 1, English translation of this poem is by Wen Shu, Wang Jinxi, and Deng Yanchang. 2, English translation of this poem is by E. C. Chang. UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 35 人物專訪.INTERVIEW