
以人為本 新校園創建良好育人環境 文Text │張愛華 Ella Cheong 筆錄 Transcription│校園記者秦萱 UM Reporter Zoe Qin 圖Photo│李思、吳景洪 Manuel Reis, Kidonis Ng Creating a Good Learning Environment through a People-oriented New Campus 自然環境保護和綠色健康生活是人們普遍關注的焦點,大 學校園是一個融合學習和生活的小社區,因此,澳門大學 新校園在建築過程中一直貫徹「以人為本」的環保設計理 念,並在空間設施和功能佈局上配合專業、通識、研習和 社群教育的 「四位一體」教育模式,為師生提供一個探索 知識、追求學問的環保、健康、安全的新校園。 Environmental protection and green living has become a focus of interest for communities around the world. It is no exception for the University of Macau’s (UM) new campus, which is itself a small learning and residential community. During the construction of the new campus, UM has followed the “people-oriented” and “environmentally-friendly” principles, in order to build a green, healthy and safe campus with a functional layout that is conducive to the implementation of the “4-in-1” mode of education. This education model consists of discipline-specific education, general education, research and internship education, as well as community and peer education. 連廊的設計方便師生在校園互動交流 The covered walkways facilitate teacher-student interaction and peer interaction UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 36 新校園專題.NEW CAMPUS FEATURE