
校園規劃重視生態環保 新校園不追求雄偉輝煌,但卻體現「環境育人」的宗 旨,在規劃上著重促進師生間的交往及跨學科的交 流,使師生能夠在綠意盎然的環境裡研究學習。新校 園內有60多幢建築物,整體規劃重視開敞空間的佈 局和生態環保的理念,並強調人與自然的和諧共存。 校園發展總監宋傑堯表示:「校園的佈局主要按東南 西北四大區域來劃分,將學習、科研、住宿和生活區 按功能分佈於各區。各核心區域之間僅五分鐘的步行 距離,加上連接各建築物之間的連廊走道,天氣炎熱 之際,連廊內也涼風習習,師生身處其中,活動和交 流非常便利。」 節能措施覆蓋全校 新校區的樓宇設施和空間增大,如何做到更加環保和 節省?宋傑堯表示,新校園景觀水體廣泛收集校區雨 水並採用循環處理再利用技術。校園北區建築群採用 區域供冷以節省空調機房的建設;體育館與學生活動 中心採用光伏能源等環保新技術;研究生宿舍及住宿 式書院均全面採用中央式太陽能熱水系統等,既環保 又節能。「學生活動中心內的建築材料、設備和通風 設計符合環保標準,還申報了國內綠色建築三星認 證。校區建築均為南北朝向加強自然通風效果,減少 日光直射,外牆盡可能少用玻璃幕牆以降低室內冷源 損耗。保證課室、教學樓、實驗室的通風及空氣質量。 另外,新校園還設置中水回用管網系統,所有校區污 水經氹仔污水廠處理後,成為可再使用的中水,再回 到校內用來補充水系景觀、澆灌園林綠地和噴灑道 路、沖洗汽車及廁所。」 Environmentally-friendly Design The design of the new campus reflects the university’s belief that environment plays an important role in education and that humans and nature should coexist in harmony. The new campus has more than 60 buildings, none of which is particularly ornamental or grand. The design places less emphasis on impressive appearance and more emphasis on facilitating teacher-student interaction and cross-disciplinary communication; one way to achieve that purpose is construction of many covered walkways and open spaces.“The new campus is divided into four parts—east, south, west, and north, with each part having a different main function,” explains Gordon Song Kit Io, director of the Campus Development Office (CDO). “Different core areas are within walking distance of each other. It takes about five minutes to walk from one area to the next. Besides, the different buildings are connected by covered walkways, which are breezy even in hot days. These help to create an environment in which teachers and students can comfortably walk about the campus and communicate with each other.” Campus-wide Energy-efficient Systems How does the university achieve environmental protection and energy efficiency with the increased facilities and space on the new campus? Mr. Song explains the artificial lake and other scenic bodies of water on the campus will source recycled rainwater, and a district cooling system is used for buildings in the north area to save the construction of an air conditioning system control room. Environmentally-friendly photovoltaic systems are used in the Sports Complex and the Student Activity Centre. A central solar water heating system provides hot water to all the Postgraduate Houses and residential colleges. “Building materials, equipment, and ventilation systems in the Student Activity Centre all meet environmental standards, and we have applied for the three-star rating for green buildings. All the buildings are south-facing for better ventilation and less direct sunlight. Glass walls are avoided where possible to reduce the energy consumption of the cooling system. Also, there is a water reuse system on the campus. All wastewater from the campus is treated by a wastewater treatment plant in Taipa to become reclaimed water which is then reused on the campus for irrigation, road and car cleaning, toilet flushing, and other purposes. ” 校園發展總監宋傑堯 Gordon Song Kit Io, director of the Campus Development Office UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 37 新校園專題.NEW CAMPUS FEATURE