
校園體育設施十分完善 The new campus has a great variety of sports facilities 體育事務總監陳炳祥博士 Patrick Chan Ping Cheung, director of the Office of Sports Affairs 多元化體育設施倡健康文化 新校園設有綜合性室內體育館、室內游泳館、田徑及 足球場、戶外體育場地,體育設施比舊校園更加多元 化。室內場地包括健身室、訓練館、乒乓球室、羽毛 球館、壁球場、舞蹈室、課室及多功能室等,還有新 增的體適能實驗室供教育學院師生做研究。而主場館 未來還可以進行籃球、排球、手球、合球或五人足球 等運動比賽。 新校園體育場地和運動類型也比舊校園有所增加,例 如籃球場由一個增至14個,網球場由兩個增至10 個半(加半個練習場),健身室設備也全面提升。新 校園還新增一個標準50米恆溫泳池和一個沙灘場。 體育事務總監陳炳祥博士說:「澳大新校園的體育設 施在大中華區屬一流水平。沙灘排球、足球、手球和 合球能夠在同一所大學進行,在美國、台灣、內地和 香港也只有少數大學能夠做到。」 戶外體育設施是校園推廣環保意識的硬件條件,足球 場是天然草場而非人造草場,這不僅有利環保,同時 對運動員的傷害程度也會減少。新校園各處都有體育 設施,有助推廣健康的校園文化。陳炳祥博士補充, 其部門日後會積極推動學生多參與體育運動,強身健 體,訓練個人意志和培養團隊精神。「我們真心希望 越來越多人能夠參與運動,這樣健康的體育文化才會 更興旺。大家都熱愛運動,身心健康,對大學的整體 發展也是一件好事。」 Various Sports Facilities to Foster a Culture of Health and Fitness The new campus boasts a greater variety of sports facilities than the old campus, including a Sports Complex and various outdoor sports facilities. The Sports Complex includes a sports pavilion, indoor swimming pool, fitness room, training hall, table tennis room, badminton hall, squash courts, dance room, classrooms, multi-purpose room, and physical fitness laboratory, which is a new addition where students and staff from the Faculty of Education may conduct research. In the future, the sports pavilion will be able to host basketball, volleyball, handball, korfball and 5-a-side futsal competitions. Not only is there more variety in sports facilities, there is a significant increase in quantity as well. For instance, there are 14 basketball courts and 10.5 tennis courts (0.5 being the training court) on the new campus, compared to 1 and 2 respectively on the old campus. Fitness equipment is also of much higher quality. There is also an Olympic-standard 50-metre heated indoor swimming pool and a beach court. “The sports facilities on our new campus are first-rate in the Greater China region,” says Dr. Patrick Chan Ping Cheung, director of the Office of Sports Affairs. “If we look at universities in the United States, Taiwan, mainland China, Hong Kong and Macao, perhaps UM is one of the few universities where you can play beach volleyball, beach soccer, beach handball, and beach korfball on the campus.” Environmental awareness is evident in many aspects of the design, including the outdoor sports facilities. For instance, the soccer pitch uses natural grass instead of artificial turf, which is not only more environmentally-friendly, but also helps to reduce the severity of sports-related injuries. The ubiquitous sports facilities may also help to foster a culture of health and fitness. Dr. Chan says his office hopes to encourage more students to participate in sports so they can stay fit and healthy, improve willpower, and develop team spirit. “We sincerely hope that more and more people will participate in sports, because only UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 39 新校園專題.NEW CAMPUS FEATURE