
校園安全 學習生活更愜意 新校園有逾萬名成員,要確保人人身心健康,是任重 道遠的工作。新校園現有場地均依照兩個標準來建 設:安全及可用性。陳炳祥博士說:「運動場地是否 使用木地板,地面是否平整,地板密度如何,我們都 需要仔細考慮。恆溫游泳池採取對人體損害最低的臭 氧消毒方式,其水質含氧量還有池邊和池底環境也要 保證安全,讓使用者能夠有效、安全地使用。」另外, 安健及環境事務辦公室在新校園每座建築交付澳大之 後,都會進行兩大檢測工作:一、空氣指數的測試, 分別測試每小時室內空氣轉換率,以及甲醛和揮發性 有機化合物含量,確保不會超標;二、水質監測,以 保證水質安全。 新校園設立一個擁有先進設備的科研基地,內裡有眾 多實驗室設備和危險品,安健及環境事務辦公室主任 梁超明表示:「我們已為此購買了化學品管理系統軟 件,並正在測試中。將來新校園購置的所有化學品都 要經過該系統軟件檢測,主要目的是控制危險品總量 不要太高。」 新校園設有一個診所,讓大學成員能得到妥善醫治。 安健及環境事務辦公室負責診所的日常管理工作,梁 超明表示,「我們正在考慮將診所服務時間延長到晚 上約八點,未來也會增聘更多醫護人員,另外也會舉 辦更多有關身心健康和營養方面的講座,希望大學成 員都能夠保持身心健康。」 through everyone’s participation can we truly foster a culture of health and fitness,” Dr. Chan says. “Sports are important to our physical and psychological wellbeing, and if everyone is healthy and happy, it would benefit the university’s development in the long run.” Safe Campus for More Comfortable Learning and Living All the buildings on the new campus have been constructed to meet strict safety and usability standards, to make sure that more than 10,000 students and staff can work, study and live in a safe and healthy environment. “Should we use wood flooring inside the sports venues? Is the ground level? What’s the flooring density? These are some of the questions we needed to consider carefully,” Dr. Chan says. “We use ozone disinfection for the heated swimming pool to minimise harm to the human body. The quality of water and the oxygen content must meet safety standards; the poolside environment and the environment at the bottom of the pool must also be safe.” The Office of Health, Safety and Environmental Affairs (HSEO) conducts two kinds of testing after each building is handed over to the university. One is air quality testing. This is to test the air changes per hour and the concentration of formaldehyde and other volatile organic compounds to make sure they are within the safe range. The other is water quality monitoring to make sure water quality meets safety standards. The new campus has an advanced scientific research base, with various kinds of lab equipment and hazardous substances. Michael Leung Chiu Ming, head of HSEO, says: “We’ve already bought system software for managing chemicals and we are in the process of testing it. All the chemicals we buy in the future will go through checking by this software, and the main purpose is to make sure the total quantity of hazardous substances is not too high.” There is a medical centre on the campus, and HSEO is responsible for its day-to-day operation. “We are considering the possibility of extending 安健及環境事務辦公室主任梁超明 Michael Leung Chiu Ming, head of the Office of Health, Safety and Environmental Affairs 恆溫游泳池採取對人體損害最低的臭氧消毒方式 Ozone disinfection is used for the heated swimming pool to minimise harm to the human body UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 40 新校園專題.NEW CAMPUS FEATURE