
密切監察水體蚊患情況 新校園擁有大量湖水和園林景觀,園林綠化及水體面 積達54萬平方米,有助吸收二氧化碳,緩和熱島效 應,增加生態棲息地,為師生創造了一個自然的環保 綠化生活小區。湖體綠化面積增大的同時也帶來蚊患 的影響,陳麗芬承認水體管理和水質監測是其部門一 項很艱鉅的工作。「第一次面對這麼大的湖區,我們 之前並沒有這方面的監測經驗。經過多次考察,已基 本掌握水質監察的工作。滅蚊方面,我們會在校園設 多個試點,取樣和收集數據,全校不同地點安裝了 200多部捕蚊器,密切監測蚊患情況。」 引新技術提升服務水平 新校園是一個開放式的校園,在未來也會漸漸成為澳 門的地標,如何在開放的同時又不影響到寧靜的校園 環境?校園管理部已實施一系列的措施,以保障大學 成員的安全,包括密切與澳門海關及澳門治安警察局 加強聯繫、制定《公共地方使用規則》,以及使用分 區管理連同中央監控管理的辦法,在校園各處安裝閉 路電視,並在西、南邊增加新的保安崗位等。陳麗芬 表示,為減省內部的人力資源,已引入了「綜合設施 管理」的外判服務,加強設施管理工作,未來還會引 進新的技術、知識,以提升校園管理和服務的水平。 澳大自2007年加入「亞太區健康大學網絡」後,一 直致力構建健康、安全及環保的校園,為學生及教職 員提供一個優質的學習、科研及工作環境。作為一所 支持高校環保的大學,澳大將持續鼓勵全校師生身體 力行,支持建設一個寧靜、少車、低碳、無障礙和持 續發展的校園,讓澳大成為本地區環保先驅的典範。 the service hours until about eight o’clock in the evening, and we are also hoping to recruit more staff to work in the medical centre,” says Mr. Leung. “We will also organise more talks on nutrition and physical and emotional health, to help our students and colleagues stay healthy.” Mosquito Control There is an artificial lake and a variety of green landscapes on the campus, with a total area of 540,000 square metres. The artificial lake and the green landscapes help absorb carbon dioxide, reduce the heat island effect, increase ecological habitats, and create a natural, environmentally-friendly, green residential community for the students and staff. However, the increased area of lake water and green spaces also provides fertile breeding ground for mosquitos. Ms. Chan admits that water management and water quality monitoring are a great challenge for her office. “This is the first time we need to manage an artificial lake of this size, and we don’t have any prior experience to draw on,” Ms. Chan says. “We visited several places to learn from their experience in monitoring the quality of water. For mosquito control, we have set up several test spots on the campus to collect samples and data. We are installing more than 200 mosquito killers across the campus, and we are closely monitoring the situation.” Introduce New Technologies to Increase the Level of Service The new campus is an open campus, and will likely become a Macao landmark in the future. To make sure the campus maintains an atmosphere of peace and tranquility while staying open to the public, CMO has implemented a series of measures, including closely liaising with the Macao Customs and the Macao Public Security Police Force, establishing rules on the use of public areas, and zone management with central monitoring. Closed circuit TV surveillance systems have been installed in various spots on the campus, and new security booths have been added in the west and south areas. Ms. Chan says that to save internal manpower, her office has outsourced integrated facility management service to a facility management company, and in the future new technologies and knowledge will be introduced to increase the quality of campus management service. As a member of the Asia-Pacific Network of Healthy Universities since 2007, UM is committed to building a healthy, safe and environmentallyfriendly campus to provide an excellent environment for learning, research and work. In the future, UM will encourage its students and staff to work together to build a peaceful, low-carbon, barrier-free, and sustainable campus with low vehicle traffic, so as to become a regional role model in environmental protection. 新校園有大量湖水和園林景觀 There are large bodies of water and a variety of green landscapes on the campus UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 41 新校園專題.NEW CAMPUS FEATURE