
在優化教與學的路上 On the Road to Enhancing Teaching and Learning 文Text |呂莉莉,黎卓君 Lis Loi, Lesley Lai 圖 Photo|李思,何杰平,部份由受訪者提供 Manuel Reis, Jack Ho, with some provided by the interviewee 全球化的世界,各國求才若渴。各地大學無不積極培 育適合社會的人才,澳門特區政府更於2014年4月 建立了人才培育長效機制,務求能解決目前澳門人才 緊絀的困境。澳門大學,作為培育本地人才的搖籃, 應如何優化和改革其教育策略和教學模式,以因應瞬 息萬變的澳門社會? CTLE定期舉辦工作坊,和教師分享如何於課堂上應用moodle網上教學平臺 CTLE regularly organises workshops to teach faculty members to use moodle as an online platform for teaching In this increasingly globalised world, every country is thirsting for talent. Governments and universities around the world are actively seeking to nurture high-calibre graduates to meet society’s needs. In April 2014, the government of the Macao Special Administrative Region (Macao SAR) established a long-term talent development mechanism, in an effort to address the acute talent shortage in Macao. How can the University of Macau (UM), a leading institution of higher education in Macao, reform and enhance its teaching and learning, to meet the constantly changing needs of the Macao society? UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 42 專題故事.FEATURE