
三月中旬,午餐休息時間,一群老師聚集在澳大智能 課室。他們分成小組,一邊聽著講師分享「成果導向 教學模式」,一邊利用自身教學經驗和組員討論可行 性。參與的成員既有院長,也有來自國外的教授,也 有本地的講師。他們透過講師分享,再討論以考試作 為評量學生學習成果的優與劣,討論如何鼓勵學生自 主學習。 這是澳大教與學優化中心(下稱中心)所定期舉辦的 教學工作坊,讓老師們能夠在課餘時間,一同磋研教 學模式,透過討論、分享經驗和研究外國教育趨勢, 提高教學成效。這類的工作坊每學期會舉辦五六次, 主題不同。中心的主任為來自美國的施博智教授,曾 在美國馬里蘭大學教學中心任職總監,他表示,系所 對工作坊的參與度幾乎和馬里蘭大學同樣熱烈。「別 忘了系所是自發性地參與呢!」施博智表示。 事實上,除了美國馬里蘭大學,國外不少優秀大學皆 設立單位,致力研究如何提升教學品質。於2009年, 澳大設立教與學優化中心,希望透過組織或資助相關 培訓、研究等活動,提升教與學的品質。除於圖書館 建立相關館藏,也定期舉辦各式工作坊、講座。其中 包括如何於課室上應用科技等實用主題,獲得不少教 職員好評。 和其它大學不一樣的是,澳大教與學優化中心另外配 合澳大「四位一體」的教育模式,在專業學科外,也 需改善通識教育的教育品質,同時提供一系列的博雅 講座讓學生有機會在課室外學習通識。 從設立教與學優化中心為第一步,澳大這所年輕大學 在提升教學品質的路上,正邁開大步前進。 In mid-March, a group of faculty deans and professors participated in a lunchtime workshop in a smart classroom at UM. Divided into several groups, they listened to the instructor share the “Outcome Based Teaching and Learning” and discussed its feasibility with group members based on their own teaching experiences. They also discussed the pros and cons of measuring learning outcomes with test results as well as ways to encourage students to use their own initiative in learning. This is one of the workshops organised by UM’s Centre for Teaching and Learning Enhancement (CTLE). The purpose of the workshop is to improve teaching outcomes by having participants discuss problems they encounter in teaching, brainstorm solutions, share experience, and study international trends in education. The CTLE workshops are held five or six times a semester, with a different theme each time. Prof. Spencer A. Benson, former director of the Center for Teaching Excellence at the University of Maryland and current director of CTLE, is pleased with the attendance rate. “In terms of attendance of the faculty, it is nearly as good as what I achieved at the University of Maryland,” Prof. Benson says. “Remember, all of this is voluntary.” In fact, many outstanding universities around the world have established similar centres. UM’s CTLE was founded in 2009, with the purpose of enhancing teaching and learning through organising and sponsoring relevant training and research activities. In addition to increasing the library collection on improving teaching and learning, CTLE regularly organises various workshops and talks, which have been very well received. Unlike similar centres at other universities, which are mostly focused on enhancing the level of teaching and learning in general, UM’s CTLE needs to fulfil another mission, which is to provide support for the university’s unique “4-in-1” model of education and enhance general education. The centre organises talks on liberal arts education to provide students with opportunities to receive general education outside the classroom. 教師在課餘時間,透過教學工作坊,磋研教學模式 Faculty members discuss teaching and learning at a workshop UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 43 專題故事.FEATURE