
澳大教學 一手機會 一手挑戰 Both Opportunities and Challenges Abound 教與學優化中心主任施博智教授 Prof. Spencer A. Benson, director of the Centre for Teaching and Learning Enhancement 自2009年澳大教與學優化中心成立,至今近五年, 曾在美國馬里蘭大學和香港參與教學優化和通識教育 工作的中心主任施博智教授表示,教與學優化中心目 前著重於提高學生學習還有鼓勵師生於課堂上應用網 絡科技。他強調,要想追上國際高等教育水平,澳大 不能單純複製別處的成功途徑,而是要推陳出新,創 造具有澳門特色的一套成功模式。 施博智回顧中心過去的工作,他表示成立教與學優 化中心是澳門大學作出改變、提高教學水準的重要 第一步。中心繼而具體執行能提高教學成效的行動。 施博智分享,目前中心與資訊及通訊科技部密切合 作,不定期舉辦iPad等電子學習設備的應用課程, 以提高教師使用電子器材教學的意識,並取得不錯的 成效。其於午間舉辦的moodle網上教學平台工作坊 也成功增加moodle的使用率。施博智表示:「沒有 什麼事情是可以一蹴而就的,但可喜的是,我們在 不斷進步。」 今年夏天,澳大搬至新校園,在逐步改善教學的路 上,嶄新的教學設施正正助其一臂之力。施博智認 為新校園是一個有趣又不可預知的地方,給中心帶 來了一個尋找創新和最佳解決方法的機遇。他指出, 「新校園提供了一個推動教學迅速變化的機會。我 們計劃在新校園的課室增加更多互動設計,增加學 生的參與。」 CTLE’s current focus is on increasing student learning and the use of technology in classrooms. Prof. Benson stresses that in order to catch up with top-tier universities and be successful, UM cannot just transplant what works elsewhere; the institution must find a way that benefits Macao’s unique identity. Establishing CTLE is the first step in the university’s effort to improve teaching quality. CTLE has implemented some concrete measures aimed at improving teaching outcomes. For instance, CTLE is now working closely with the Information and Communication Technology Office to increase the use of electronic devices in teaching, which has achieved very good results. The Moodle lunchtime conversations have been very successful in increasing the faculty’s use of Moodle. “Nothing changes overnight,” says Prof. Benson. “But we are making progress.” This summer, UM started moving to the new campus. The advanced teaching facilities will go a long way towards enhancing teaching and learning at UM. Prof. Benson thinks the new campus is an interesting and unpredictable place which provides a wonderful opportunity for creativity to address the challenges facing the university. “It may provide an opportunity to move things rapidly forward within the changing teaching and learning,” Prof. Benson says. “We plan to make some of the classrooms more interactive to increase student engagement. Not in rows, but rather in groups.” UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 44 專題故事.FEATURE