
機會與挑戰中尋找平衡 機會和挑戰往往並存。新校園中擁有更多的公眾空 間,該如何創新規劃?課室數目如何增多?資源如何 有效分配?施博智提出更多即將面對的問題。除外, 該如何利用新機遇繼續提升澳大教學質量以達到世界 一流大學的水平,更是教與學優化中心的一大挑戰。 目前國際上,高等教育趨於注重學生學習參與度和科 技應用。施博智指出,澳大在應用科技上落後南韓、 台灣和香港。他以美國興盛的網上教育為例,指出澳 大需要並將會持續改善。因文化差異,澳大的學生學 習參與度也比西方國家的低。「我個人的觀察是,澳 大本科生的課堂參與度與西方國家相比有大概五年的 差距,但正快速提高。澳大資源豐富,無論在教學、 研究或招攬人才上,都正迎頭趕上國際水準。」儘管 如此,施博智指出,澳大不應單純移植他國經驗。「澳 門就是澳門,我們要找到澳門的特別之處,並加以利 用,就能建立澳門高等教育的獨特位置。」 Meeting Challenges, Seizing Opportunities Both opportunities and challenges abound on the new campus. How to make use of the increased public spaces in an innovative way? How much has the number of classrooms increased compared to the old campus? How to better allocate resources? These are some of the challenges facing the university. For CTLE, one of the biggest challenges is seizing the new opportunity to continue to improve the quality of teaching that is expected of a world-class institution. Prof. Benson notes that the international trend in teaching is to increase student engagement and the use of technology. “With respect to technology and the use of technology in classrooms, UM is behind where it should be, behind South Korea and Taiwan, and certainly behind Hong Kong,” says Prof. Benson. “I think the level of student engagement in undergraduate classes in Macao is less than that seen in the Western world. Part of that has to do with cultural differences. From my personal observation, Macao is about five years behind. But Macao is catching up very quickly. UM is catching up in research, in recruitment, and in teaching very fast, because of the resources. However, Macao is Macao. It must retain its identity and capitalise on that identity in order to find its unique place in higher education." 教與學優化中心主任施博智教授認為,新校園可迅速推動優化教學。 Prof. Benson thinks the new campus may provide an opportunity to move things rapidly forward within the changing teaching and learning UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 45 專題故事.FEATURE