
當教學 不再只限於課室 Teaching and Learning beyond the Classroom 自2004年賭權開放,澳門社會經歷極大變化。澳大 不時反問,甚麼模式的教與學,才能培育出最適合社 會發展的未來棟樑。澳大代副校長(學術)兼教育學 院院長范息濤指出,未來需要全方位的人才,而澳大 的教學模式將不再只侷限於課室。 回憶起近10年來澳門的轉變,范息濤院長表示,澳 門社會經濟的轉型和多元化,以及求才若渴的情境, 當初很多人始料不及。他指出,現澳門已有一定資 本,例如透過和周邊區域合作,提供了產業多元化的 一定空間。范息濤談及,澳門未來應往更高層次產業 發展,例如健康、衛生和文創等。 事實上,澳大於今年初新設立健康科學學院,而設計 學院也正籌備中,設計學院未來的研究方向可能會側 重於與澳門經濟發展密切相關且具有直接影響的領 域。這正是應對社會產業多元化的第一步。「要培育 甚麼類型的人才,就看甚麼樣的產業最適合於澳門發 展。」范息濤表示。 Macao experienced great changes after the gambling monopoly was abolished in 2004. Amid these changes, the University of Macau (UM) has never stopped asking: What strategies of teaching and learning are most effective in nurturing graduates who can best meet the needs of the society? Prof. Fan Xitao, interim vice rector (academic affairs) and dean of the Faculty of Education, believes that society needs wellrounded people; and in order to nurture such well-rounded graduates, UM is extending teaching and learning beyond the classroom. “The social and economic transformations and diversification as well as the high demand for talent in Macao are what many people did not anticipate a decade ago,” says Prof. Fan. “Now, Macao has some resources. For instance, collaboration with its neighbouring regions has created room for economic diversification, and in the future, Macao should put more effort in developing advanced industries, such as health industry, and cultural and creative industries.” In fact, UM has already taken the first steps toward aiding Macao’s economic diversification; the Faculty of Health Sciences was established early this year, and preparations are underway to establish a Faculty of Design, which is expected to focus on those directions that are likely to have more direct and relevant impact on Macao’s economic development.“What kind of graduates do we need? That depends on which industries are most suited to the needs of Macao,” Prof. Fan says. 澳大代副校長(學術)兼教育學院院長范息濤 Prof. Fan Xitao, interim vice rector (academic affairs) and dean of the Faculty of Education UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 46 專題故事.FEATURE