
課室外培養軟實力 緊隨社會發展脈動而設置學系,無疑為學生提供了更 多專業技能的選項,也望可為澳門培育一群各形各色 的人才。除了專業技能外,范息濤不忘提醒,學生應 多方面發展「軟實力」,即領導力、主動力、說服力 和溝通、解決問題等能力。「你怎麼和別人打交道, 怎麼在不同場合說服別人,這些是專業實力之外所需 要的軟實力,大部份的成功都離不開軟實力。」 那麼,甚麼樣的教學方式能培養軟實力呢?今年新學 期起,住宿式書院正式投入運作,范息濤說,「除了 專業學習,學生要參與書院活動,書院遠不只是學生 宿舍,而是在課堂以外創造許多機會,包括社會服 務、師生交流等,讓學生在專業外能培養軟實力。」 言教不如身教,在書院裡,來自不同系所和背景的師 生們,透過自主舉辦活動,可共同交流,教與學不再 只限於課室內。這樣的書院式學習模式,有許多國際 名校應用已久,他強調,「在書院內,任何時刻都是 教與學的好時機!」 而最終目標,如范息濤所說,將是鼓勵學生自主學 習,這也是「四位一體」教育模式裡的核心精神,在 住宿式書院裡、在社群裡、在科研時皆能主動求知。 「亞洲文化習慣聽令而行, 而不習慣採取主動。大學 將是學生建立積極主動態度的好機會。人們若要在職 涯上走得遠,這主動態度不可少。」 Developing Soft Skills outside the Classroom Establishing new faculties and departments undoubtedly provides more opportunities for students to acquire technical expertise which is in demand, but Prof. Fan believes that developing soft skills, such as leadership, initiative, effective communication, and problem-solving, is equally important. “How do you deal with different people? How do you persuade people under different circumstances? These are soft skills that are crucial to success,” Prof. Fan says. If soft skills are so important, how can universities help their students to acquire them? The residential college system is one way to achieve that goal. Extending the teaching and learning experience beyond the classroom setting through the residential college system has been a long-running practice at many of the world’s renowned universities. Starting the 2013/2014 academic year, several new residential colleges have become operational on UM’s new campus. Each college is home to teachers and students from different departments, faculties, and backgrounds. Through the organisation of various activities, teachers and students have more opportunities to interact with each other. “In addition to studies in their chosen areas of expertise, the students also need to participate in activities organised by their colleges,” Prof. Fan says. “Each college is more than a dormitory building. It provides various opportunities for learning outside of the classroom through community service, teacher-student interaction, and so on, and all these activities are designed to help the students develop soft skills. Within the college, every moment is a teaching moment; every moment is a learning moment.” And the ultimate purpose, according to Prof. Fan, is to encourage students to “take their own initiatives” in the pursuit of knowledge, not just inside the classroom but also in the residential college, in the community, and beyond. This is also the core spirit behind UM’s “4-in-1” model of education. “Asian students are more used to taking instructions than taking initiatives, and college years should provide wonderful opportunities for them to learn to take their own initiatives,” says Prof. Fan. “That’s an indispensable quality if one wishes to go far in one’s career.” UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 47 專題故事.FEATURE