
UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 3 封面故事.COVER STORY 且具國際影響力的前沿學科,如新成立的健康科學學 院,在生物醫學和傳染病領域將嘗試新的探索和創 新,並培養高質素的研究型人才,冀能以新的研究成 果造福人類。科技學院也將招收更多高質素、具研究 精神的研究生來推動大學的研究發展。 澳大新校園設有科研基地,除了微電子和中醫藥兩大 領域的國家重點實驗室外,還將藉新校園更廣闊的硬 件空間,全力推動醫藥、能源環境與電子信息領域的 發展。澳大已與北京大學,香港大學和台灣大學合作 創建聯合研究中心,將繼續進一步深化與鄰近地區的 學術和研究合作。在新校園帶來的契機下,澳大未來 的研究發展潛力無限,也將開創一個嶄新的局面。 international impact that meet the needs of the Macao society. For instance, the newly established Faculty of Health Sciences will train high-calibre research specialists and make new explorations and innovations in the areas of biomedical sciences and infectious diseases. FST will recruit more high-quality, research-minded postgraduate students to promote research development at the university. The scientific research base on the new campus will house the two state key laboratories in microelectronics and Chinese medicine; it will also promote research in such areas as medical sciences, energy and environment, as well as information and electronics. UM has established a joint research centre with Peking University, the University of Hong Kong, and Taiwan University. In the future, it will continue to deepen academic and research collaborations with institutions in neighbouring regions. The new campus has ushered in a new era, and with the opportunities it brings, the university is faced with expanding research possibilities.