
21世紀,需要的是什麼樣的學生? 在澳門大學,一批學生海外志願工作者每年到不同國 家幫助當地人民;另亦有一群學生服務領袖到安老院 等社福機構,無償服務社會。如今,不少年輕學子不 再只是被動接受課堂上的知識,他們走出象牙塔,接 觸社會,主動回饋。 近年來,海內外眾多大學對社區服務活動的關注日 益增加。學生通過志願者服務,接受挫折和挑戰, 克服困難並獲得成長。這種課堂外的教育模式,已 成為大學教育不可或缺的一部分,也是學生自我發 展的最好方式。 服務中學習,給予中成長── 學生志願者走出象牙塔 文Text │李淼Miumiu Li 圖Photo│李思,部份由受訪者提供Manuel Reis, with some provided by the interviewee What kind of students do we need in the 21st century? Today, many college students are not content with being ensconced in their ivory towers, passively soaking up knowledge in the classroom. They yearn to experience the world outside the campus and give back to society. More and more universities have also realised the important role of community service in education. Creating opportunities for students to give back to society as volunteers so they can grow and learn how to deal with setbacks and challenges has not only become an integral part of education outside the classroom, but is considered one of the best ways to help students realise personal development. Every year at the University of Macau (UM), some students travel abroad to work as volunteers, helping people in different countries, while a group of Service Leaders contribute to the local community by visiting social welfare organisations such as nursing homes. Learn through Serving, Grow through Giving– The World outside the Ivory Tower 澳大學生杜玥與志願者朋友在赤道合影 UM student Du Yue with the other volunteers at the equator line UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 48 專題故事.FEATURE