
由澳大學生輔導及發展處舉辦的服務領袖計劃,是一個非 常年輕、嶄新的活動組織。 今年四月,澳大學生事務部再度舉辦社區服務展覽會,小小的 展覽空間擺放了九間澳門社福機構攤位,也擠滿了前來詢問 的學生。在展覽會上,澳大第一屆服務領袖正式成立。此計劃 目前已匯聚了16名同學,主要希望能夠招募校園內對志願工 作有興趣的同學,一同服務社會,共同學習成長。 澳大工商管理專業一年級學生崔善怡在服務領袖計劃中擔任公 關工作,比起其他快樂享受大學生活的一年級學生,她選擇把 課餘時間拿來服務社會。崔善怡自小就已接觸義工領域,小學 時便參加學校組織的義工活動,後因課業而中止,直到進入大 學,自由時間增多,才有機會真正實現做志願者的理想。活潑 外向的她說,加入計劃的原因非常簡單,就是想要幫助別人, 看到對方開心,就是自己最大的收穫。 來自西安的賈驍駿,是澳大歐洲事務專業研究生一年級學 生。他同樣從小參加義工活動,通過接觸社會上需要幫助 的人,切實感受到生活的珍貴,亦希望幫助更多人體會生 活的樂趣。這些可說是推動他堅持志願者工作的原因。 目前賈驍駿擔任第一屆服務領袖計劃主席,通過與十多位成員 的共同努力,逐漸搭建較為完整的組織體系。成員們分工合作, 共同商議、策劃未來的系列活動。 愛是付出, 更是延續── 澳大服務領袖計劃 Love Is Continuous Giving– Service Leader Programme at UM The Service Leaders are participants in the Service Leader Programme (SLP), which is organised by UM’s Student Counselling and Development Section. At the Service Fair 2014 organised by the Student Affairs Office in April, the booths of the nine social welfare organisations were swarming with interested students. The first group of 16 Service Leaders was also inaugurated at the fair. Chui Sin I, a first-year student from the Faculty of Business Administration, is one of them. She is mainly responsible for PRrelated work. An outgoing, extraverted young woman, she chooses to spend her free time serving the community instead of having fun like many other students for a simple reason—helping others through volunteer work has been her dream since childhood, and she believes making others happy is a reward in itself. Chui started participating in volunteer activities when she was in primary school, but had to stop later because of school work. It was not until she began studying at UM, with more free time at her disposal, that she was able to dedicate herself to volunteer work in earnest. Like Chui, Jia Xiaojun, a first-year postgraduate student of European studies, also has a long history of participating in volunteer work. Helping others has made him more keenly aware of how life is a precious gift to be cherished. He hopes to help more people experience the joys of life, and this is what motivates him to do volunteer work. As the current president of SLP, Jia has developed an organisational structure in collaboration with the other members. Now they are planning for future activities. 學生崔善怡 Student Chui Sin I UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 49 專題故事.FEATURE